Process to obtain Ration Card
The Native resident Goans find it most annoying, tedious, time consuming to
obtain this official document .To day  multiple  documents and ID cards
like pan Card, Passports, AAdhar , EPIC, driving licence,senior citizens,
service cards, bank books ,credit cards etc are available
Consider in 1965, one could just walk in and walk out with the Ration card
It was a s simple as that.I  nostalgically recalled the process in a
personal conversation with,  Mr Antonio Piedade Moraes. He was officially
in charge of issuing R.C for Municipal Corporation of Panjim on behalf. of
Govt.(junta Freguesia )The personal interview in good faith with
preliminary oral  inquiries was all that was essential, no documentation of
any sorts and the R.C was issued there and then , on the spot
The forms then were printed in Roman Konkanim. Marathi&English
One Mr Janardan Sinkre made a representation to the Govt. for his removal
from the post, simply  accusing  him of professing his love and devotion to
the Konkani language.
The  fact finding delegation led by Mr Tony Fernandes, then Minister In MGP
Govt. did not find any illegality or Mr Moraes being lethargic in
dispensing his duty . His love for konkanim, though true, could not be held
against his official functioning to dislodge, terminate the excellent work
carried out by him with utmost devotion  love and concern , In fact Mr Tony
was all praise for him notwithstanding the  purported allegations of being
a Konkanim  protagonist and which in no way was a legal  disqualification
to move him out.
I reminded Mr Moraes jokingly that even to this date one can  get in and
walk out with a ration card, provided one is willing to  cough 8k to 10 K
as rumours are doing rounds, He burst out into uncontrollable laughter.
Besides, unnecessarily Ration Card is made an important document for all
facilities, references ,services etc. The non Goans thus appear to obtain
it more expeditiously and without hassles, delays, understandably for a
The process to obtain a ration card should be stream lined without
discretion,  subjective interpretations, emphasis on multiple
documentations and delinked as a point for reference It is the non Goans ,
who are also a captive vote banks, who derive maximum benefits, claiming
all sorts of subsidies which are indirectly contributed by us
Nelson Lopes. Chinchinim

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