Another colonial gift to the language !
     The Madras Club was in the news recently when they
 turned away political honchows who turned up wearing
 their lungi skirts.
     My brother took me there to lunch in the early seventies,
 soon after they first admitted non-whites. It was a tea planter
 watering-hole, and south Europeans were not welcome either.
     Junius Menezes, Divar, was the band leader for thirty years.
 He owned all two hundred pianos that existed in the city: one 
 needed to rent one from him, the lease ran a year. A son, Anton,
 was a prominent Calcutta club jazz pianist.
     He had a brother in Bombay who gave me nice break on a 
 precious product in Ballard Estate, whilst our family housed
 a sister in Santa Cruz for forty years - gratis.

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