Marshall Mendonza wrote:
>Atheism has also been considered as a religion. See weblink below. Also
>recently I came across a news report that a Court in USA has held atheism
>to be a religion.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines religion as:
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods 

Atheism, on the other hand, is defined as:
:  the doctrine that there is no deity

If one needs to search websites to find meanings of words, sooner or later one 
will find the perfect website i.e. with the meanings that fit perfectly with 
one's own definition of the word. 

The question I have for the Catholics here is, how does one stop being a 
Catholic? I was told that the easiest way was to be caught plotting to 
overthrow the Pope. That seems a long road to take in order to declare 
independence from religion.

In this regard, perhaps both Catholic's and Hindu's face the same challenge 
when they want to escape religion in a secular country like India.  


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