While as the Leader of Opposition Manohar Parrikar wanted and exercised all
his democratic rights. He squatted on the highways blocking the traffic and
had even threatened to gate crash to drive away the Casinos parked in the
River Mandovi. Now that he is in power, he cannot see his own earlier acts
as being holy. Now he wants every Goan to be at his best behavior and
silently watch the misdeeds of his government. This however, will not just
happen regardless of the threats and intimidation that Manohar Parrikar may
rant. He may be concerned only about his Chief Minister’s chair but we need
to care for Goa. The battle has to go on regardless of the price we may
have to pay.

Rattled that various acts of corruption and nepotism by his government have
been exposed through the Right to Information Act, Manohar Parrikar has
been stifling the transparency law after having conveniently kept Goa
without a Lokayukta so that the corrupt can have a field day.

Manohar Parrikar has shown scant respect for the Judiciary and will do
everything possible to muzzle and manipulate the press. During his earlier
stint as Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Parrikar had on 24th September 2003
issued a legal notice threatening editors of all newspapers. So a decade
down the road nothing has changed. Does the dog’s tail ever straighten?.

After having conveniently used most  NGO’s, activists and habitual
litigants to maneuver his way to  power, now Manohar Parrikar finds they
are a hurdle as misdeeds of his government are coming under the scanner.

If there is any extortion or blackmailing in the name of activism there are
already enough laws in place to take care of the malaise which Chief
Minister Manohar Parrikar can invoke by first putting his own house in
order and clear the rot that is emanating from the Advocate General’s
office where through back room deals the advocates are appearing for and
against the government. Just visit the High Court for a day and public will
witness the Advocate General  leading his brigade of juniors and so-called
former juniors standing for or against each other and strangely, without
even sufficient independent practice, appearing for the big fish, in heavy
stake-matters. Extortion or blackmail if any needs to be probed?

To come to power Manohar Parrikar made a lot of fake promises. On all his U
turns less said the better. Not a paisa of that 35,000 crore illegal mining
scam has or will ever be recovered while all that Manohar Parrikar’s loose
talk is to keep the Goans entertained. To secure his chair he made promises
even to his MLAs and party workers of posts and positions which he knew he
would not be able to deliver. He had promised Zero tolerance to corruption
but the rampant corruption which has ebbed to the peak is there for all to
see. The manner in which the erratic and eccentric Manohar Parrikar who is
fast losing his marbles is functioning, he may well go down in the history
books as the worst ever Chief Minister that Goa has seen.

Activist priest Fr. Eremito Rebello had not long ago said “the sooner
Parrikar goes, the better for Goa”.

The writing on the wall is very clear. Is your time up, Mr. CM? Why not for
the sake of Goa cook up a way to get out and go to the Centre?

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



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