This column is repeatedly compelled to point out no part of India
treats its own artistic and cultural legacy more disgracefully than
Goa. It's an ongoing problem lasting generations: this remarkable
space produces wave after wave of artists and artisans of global
significance, but they are rebuffed and ignored at home, with the
biggest loser remaining the Goans.

Thus serene abstractionist Vasudeo Gaitonde will have his first-ever
retrospective in New York's Guggenheim later this year, while
remaining largely unknown in his beloved homeland. Thus the best
collection of world-renowned Indo-Portuguese furniture is displayed at
the Victoria and Albert Museum in London not in Goa. From Trindade to
da Cruz to Fonseca to Gaitonde and Souza, each towering great of 20th
century art sought to endow Panaji with a corpus of paintings for the
benefit of future generations, and each retreated after being

The sad truth is they were right not to trust Goa. Their precious
artworks are obviously better off in London or New York or Delhi,
because criminal neglect and willful ignorance continues to hold sway
back home. The latest scandalous outrage came earlier this week with
the announcement that Goa's government seeks "bids from private
agencies for safekeeping of 10,000 artifacts on a lease basis for two
years" to "entrust the safe storage of the state's heritage legacy to
private godown owners".

Though this disgraceful, ridiculous scheme still has no takers, its
very existence underlines this administration's abdication of
responsibility for Goa's peerless cultural heritage.

This "leadership" will expend weeks debating bikinis, but not a single
voice is raised when the most crucial, defining artifacts from
thousands of years of civilization in Goa face an active, perilous
threat from the same irresponsible "authorities" tasked with their
custodianship. Instead of doing the vital job on hand, there is
instead only the same old mania for scam "infrastructure-building"
which means contracts for cronies.

Saligao-born Francis Newton Souza is widely considered the most
significant modern Indian artist. He founded the Progressive Artists
Movement (along with fellow-Goan, Gaitonde), mentored other all-time
greats like Husain, Ara and Raza, and his work now sells for millions
of dollars. Souza tried repeatedly to set up a permanent museum of his
works in Goa, but found no cooperation. The fact the existing museum
has a single, small work by this great artist is due the selflessness
of Dom Martin (artist and long-time defender of Goa's heritage), who
is justifiably shocked and dismayed by this administration's absurd
go-down idea.

"There is a colossal ravine between the purpose and function of a
museum and that of a godown" says Martin, "it is truly unprecedented
that the state museum would solicit the services of the owner of a
godown or other such facility, and officially collaborate with same
into acting as the interim curator of the museum's historical assets!"

Martin points to the suitability of the vast, expensively renovated
and climate-controlled Old Secretariat/Palacio Idalcao for this
purpose, especially since utilization as a museum and gallery space
has been delayed for more than three years "due to inter-departmental
bickering or whatever." If in fact this administration is hell-bent on
pushing through contracts to rebuild the Patto facility, there is no
doubt that this option is the least disastrous.

There was a time when Goa had some ready-made excuses for its shabby
treatment of its artistic and cultural heritage: this was a small
state in a poor country where necessary human resources and expertise
were scarce But all that has dramatically changed, and this
administration has no such excuses for its irresponsibility. But
instead of following the examples of so many first-rate institutions
that have come up in the past decade, this government seems intent on
opaque schemes that indulge its tender-mania.

While it dithers with disastrous consequences for Goa's heritage, the
Lisbon-based Fundacao Oriente has opened a lovely little museum in its
Fontainhas premises to celebrate Antonio Trindade's paintings and the
UK-based Helen Hamlyn Trust has renovated the Reis Magos Fort into a
stunning jewel for cultural activities. Over in Mumbai, the
once-moribund Prince of Wales Museum is humming with terrific new
ideas and activity, while the once-derelict Bhau Daji Lad museum space
now glitters perhaps the finest and most-innovative museum space in
South Asia.

But Goa?with every possible advantage?continues to go nowhere, the
only state in the world blithely trying to tender its responsibilities
to its own priceless, irreplaceable heritage. The judgment of future
generations is sure to be extremely harsh on this administration's
fatuous, frivolous schemes and criminal scandals that have now
unconscionably brought the state's most precious cultural assets under
severe threat.

#2, Second Floor, Navelkar Trade Centre, Panjim, Goa
Cellphone 9326140754 Office (0832) 242 0785

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