Dear JC

Yes, this video did bring back happy memories for me especially the scenes on 
Bamburi beach.   At the time though we did not have any camels roaming the 
beach.   With all year sunny weather, as a child, most Sundays were spent on 
this beach where all our family and friends met.   My mother would make lots of 
snacks such as chutneys sandwiches, beef patties, scotch eggs and for our lunch 
we generally had chicken or mutton biryani kept warm with a towel wrapped 
around the pan!  Teatime was plenty of hot tea with home made cake or baath and 
biscuits, chocolate and vanilla pinwheels, etc.

When the tide was low, all the children had great fun picking up teesroys 
(shellfish) from the sand, we had to be fast as they would bury themselves in 
the sand very quickly.   My mother made an amazing curry from these shellfish.

Gabe, thanks for sharing, sent the video to all my classmates from Mombasa for 
them to enjoy.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

10 August 2014

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