The name MUTHALIK  that triggered the war?  

‘I do not agree to the putting MUTHALIK name on the poster’ Says Prince Jacob
(So say many others)

It could have been Moothalic, Nuthalik etc. Or even the title ‘Muthalik goeant 

larger viewing/reading

Next day news paper
Prince Jacob etc
Herald Page 9 dtd 10/8/14, The page 9 was not available  online hence several 

We were all set to go for the tiatr at 1.30pm but at 12pm we saw a post by a 
close associate of Tousif de Navelim /Director Mr. Savio who was also one of 
the chief guests. He said the show is withdrawn due to fear of law and order. 
So we changed our plan.  Again, at 5.30 pm there was another post saying the 
tiatr in on at 5pm and we read it at 6.30pm by then it was too late.  We even 
regularly checked Tousif facebook wall for any updates.. 

Director said he would go ahead with the tiatr come what may
On the tiatr day the poster was even edited to say ‘ General public need not 
worry as police protection has been granted for the show’

Tiatr day edited / modified poster

If the director did not call it off at around 11am, there would have been lot 
more people or supporter for the show.

It also appears that most people came there not just to support the tiatr but 
also to say ‘No to Muthalik (In Goa)’ thus giving loud and the clear message to 
the govt. and also to Muthalik organisation

TV news /Repeat 

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