I happen to visit a few Goan "old" websites after very long time. One
website has my name running in the BLOGS section ticker. I haven't written
or send my articles which are published on the Herald to the website for a
long time.
Another website has a name eidtor, someone who became famous for a legal
fight over divorce which, I assume, is still going on. Now the website has
a question-answer column. The questions are answered by an unknown
The website former owner/editor is now important member of a political
party, which proudly proclaims itself as pro-Goan, and is perhaps so, but
unfortunately is hovering on the fringe of the political landscape since
its launch about 14 years
Another website was carrying good articles by a seasoned journalist, and
often broadcast its list of articles on this forum, has  not made any
noise. I haven't visited the website, taking for greanted that's its
virtually dead.
Its a good sorpotel of websites on the Internet.

Eugene Correia

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