Amita Kanekar writes, "Not only do most of our schools, colleges and
universities fall far short of the touted ideals of education, many already
excel at pandering to Hindu religious beliefs, with the organization of
brahmanical Hindu festivals within the campus, and upper caste Hindu
religious icons permanently installed there. And the less said about their
predilection for quietly side-stepping reservation quotas, therein further
disadvantaging OBC and SC/ST applicants, the better. This step is in fact
an open admission of their quasi-brahmanical tendencies."

I think she was quite kind in not naming other reilgions who do more or
less the same thing except that they replace the Brahminical icons with
those of the Christian or some other religion.

But I I agree with her that at least Government institutions should avoid
taking this chauvinistic route and instead stick with a more neutral word.
Given that Pernem is one of those areas which has a large OBC population if
at all they wished to name the college then the modern day OBC leader
Dayanand Bandodkar would have been the obvious choice.

But besides the scramble to privilege one's own caste or political party
(the indoor stadium built near Goa University which is named after Shyama
Prasad Mukherjee or the numerous ones named after Congress leaders for
example) Kanekar makes the more serious point made that all these symbolic
gestures only result in more hurt inflicted on backward castes . The denial
of reservation quotas to those who have been disadvantaged for centuries
continues to injure and also insult them.

To conclude, I hope that in future the Government sticks to the practice of
naming institutions that they start as simply Govt School or Govt College
and instead concentrate on addressing the injustices done to the backward
Augusto Pinto

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