Ref. No:
04. 09.2014

Dear Sir,

We kindly request you to give publicity to the following PRESS NOTE in your
esteemed newspaper.

Thanking you,

Yours in service of Konkani,

(Vincy Quadros)

Secretary,  Dalgado Konknni Akademi



Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) recently held its ‘Obheas Yatra’ programme
where promising Konkani writer Menino Almeida’s short story book, *Bandpas*
was critically appreciated. Held on 27.08.2014, this was the first
programme to be organized in the Conference Hall of the new premises of DKA
at Old Education Bldg, Panjim.

Fr. Jose Silveira, Assistant Director of Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr who
was the key-note speaker spoke on the essentials of story and writing
skills while dwelling on Menino’s book. Without going into the
shortcomings, Fr. Silveira instead focused on how Menino’s stories could
have been polished.

Established Konkani writers Mathew D’ Costa, Vincy Quadros, Anthony
Miranda, Vassalo Carvalho, Premanand Lotlikar and Rena D’Souza took part in
the open session. Also making their debut appearance in DKA’s literary
criticism programme were Sonia Gomes, Senisha D’Costa and Snable Antao, all
student writers from Carmel College, Nuvem who also provided valuable
inputs on Menino’s book.

Later, author of the book, Menino Almeida answered the questions fielded to
him and also accepted some of the suggestions made. He affirmed that all
his stories were based on real-life incidents, many of which he personally
experienced in the confines of his surroundings.

Vincy Quadros also highlighted the importance of preface, foreword,
writer’s thoughts, format of the book, cover, printing, type-setting and
other inputs which go a long way to enhance the quality of a book.


Please Note : Photograph is attached


*Vincy Quadros*


*Dalgado Konknni Akademi*

*91 9822587498 (m) ; **(0832) 2746025 *

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