On 7 September 2014 08:42, Mervyn Maciel <mervynels.watuwasha...@gmail.com>

>   'Souza cleverly imported into Zanzibar, the idea of the provision store
> as a communal space, the sort that exist on the periphery of every church
> square in Goa. He sold merchandise downstairs and ran the upstairs rooms as
> a bar. British consuls and other European colonials, in the absence of any
> other clubs, were known to drop by in the evenings for a 'whiskey-soda.' In
> just fifteen years, Sultan Sayyid Barghash awarded him a... diploma of
> honour with a gold medal for enterprise. Further recognition came in 1892,
> when he was awarded his second gold medal by Sayyid Ali bin Sayyid. It was
> Souza's idea of setting up a store which catered almost exclusively to a
> European clientele that would be emulated by other Goans, giving them a
> reputation of excellence in retail, which carried over when they spread
> into Mombasa and Nairobi'
> http://www.epaperoheraldo.in/Details.aspx?id=7800&boxid=162525968&uid=&dat=9/7/2014
> The information in the article is taken mostly from the book 'A Railway
> Runs Through: Goans of East Africa, 1865 - 1980.' Now available at
> bookstores in Goa. For more information:
> research | British Goan Project
> <http://www.britishgoanproject.com/research/>
> [image: image] <http://www.britishgoanproject.com/research/>
> research | British Goan Project
> <http://www.britishgoanproject.com/research/>
>   A Railway Runs Through: Goans of British East Africa, 1865 - 1980 by
> Selma Carvalho. Pages 196. First published in Britain by Matador
> Publishing. Published in Goa...
> View on www.britishgoanprojec...
> <http://www.britishgoanproject.com/research/>
> Preview by Yahoo

Comment: Nothing wrong in promoting a book; price now reduced to half price
£5, we were informed: flying off the shelf!  cheaper than your Toto to Mzee
@ £10. The book in England in Ind Rs costs 487.65 ( approx £1 = 97.5)  but
in Goa @ Rs520! Surely this cannot be right? Somewhere along the line
someone has got their PPI knickers in a twist?


Gabe Menezes.

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