Dear Manohar Parrikar,
Hon CM

You must be receiving  several open letters from me in different topics
especially pertaining to the City of Panjim where you are a MLA of Panjim,
and that I write in the interest of Panjimites only and in public interest.
But I suppose,  you  never  respond my letters , reasons are best known to
you, or probably you are a busy politician.
Again today is an another letter to you, and that is for the purpose of PAY
 Today's (12.9.2014) news are published in various section of Press which
says that the Pay parking will be implemented once Sanjit
Rodrigues, Commissioner of CCP resumes work after his leave and that the
order may likely be implemented by 18th of this month.
Fine, we are all aware that there is a big problem for parking in the city
and that you have not done so far anything to solve the woes
of motorists and the people of Panjim who wants to park their vehicles in
the city without any difficulties.
There was hue and cry from the establishments and shops owners that
their vehicles might have  to be shifted somewhere else once the Pay
Parking Order is implemented at  designated areas such as Church Square ,
 18th June Road  and Cafe Bhonsole  area , Panjim Market etc.
The  contract has already been finalized I suppose,  and approved by the
CCP but only awaits its order to be implemented. These shops keepers were
used to park their own vehicles near their adjacent establishment/shops
 for hours together and even 24 hours which were blocking or not available
for others vehicles to park in the roads.
Present decision appears to be a good one, and there will be a good relief
for public to park their vehicles after making payment I suppose.
 What will happen when CCP  wants to have a change on Pay Parking rules?
Will the Contractor accept it? Whether there is any clause  in the order to
take it back or if any modification needed to be done if any?  Contractor
might go to Court and the case will go on for years and the public may
suffer. What was needed is that the order may be taken care as  the
situation arises so that other new Commissioner or next
MLA implements another decision.  Whether the Mayor and  CCP Commissioner
have realized if such problems occurs?  Also there is a plan for the Panjim
going for  a facelift and whether this order will come in its way?
 MLA of Panjim Manohar Parrikar who is also holding the post of Chief
Minster will he realize that such problems may crop up? And whether he has
given his assent or approval to CCP for this Pay parking?

Stephen Dias


Sanjith’s absence, CCP meeting delay pay parking implementation

Posted by: Navhind Times <> in Goa
News <>

PANAJI: The absence of the Commissioner of the Corporation of the City of
Panaji (CCP) Sanjit Rodrigues, and the meeting of the city councillors
scheduled on September 16 for endorsing the corporation’s decision to
implement the pay parking system in the city has moved the September 15
deadline for this implementation by a couple of days ahead.
The pay-parking system could now be implemented by September 18.
As per the CCP sources, three bidders have responded to the related tender
and Jose Gracias from Agassaim, who has quoted an amount of Rs 96,66,066 as
against the Rs 90 lakh initial bidding amount of the CCP, is all set to be
awarded the same.
“The tenure of the tender is one year and the particular contractor is
expected to collect the money from the owners/ drivers of the parked
vehicles as well as streamline the traffic,” they maintained.
The CCP, in the first phase will implement the pay-parking system along the
18th June Road as well as its connecting roads, the Church Square and the
Cafe Bhosle Square.
The rates to be charged for vehicles parked in these areas have also been
fixed. The cars/ jeeps would be charged Rs 10 for less than 4 hour parking,
Rs 15 for parking between 4 hours and 12 hours and Rs 20 towards parking
for more than 12 hours and less than 24 hours.
The two-wheeler vehicles/ three-wheeler vehicles would be charged Rs 4 for
less than 4 hour parking, Rs 8 for parking between 4 hours and 12 hours and
Rs 15 towards parking for more than 12 hours and less than 24 hours.
It was also informed that once the CCP Commissioner joins duty probably
next week, he would issue work order to the contractor for handling the
pay-parking system.
The work for putting up signages as well as painting the roads is in
progress, in the areas demarcated for pay parking.
Meanwhile, the Panaji Municipal Market Tenants Association has presented a
representation to the Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar against the pay
parking decision of the CCP as well as the notification notifying places
around the market area for pay parking. The representation signed by the
president of the association, Rajendra Dhamaskar and its general secretary,
Dharmendra Bhagat states that the particular decision of the CCP is likely
to affect the business being conducted by the traders as well as occupants
of the municipal market, who somehow manage to earn their livelihood.
The representation further states that all the roads in the city have been
constructed by the public works department, which is also looking after its
“The owners of the vehicles are also paying the road tax to the government
and therefore, the CCP is not at all justified in declaring these places in
and around the municipal market as parking areas,” it added.
Terming the decision of the CCP as ‘mala fide’ and ‘not in public
interest’, the representation has further requested the Chief Minister to
withdraw the particular notification.

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