>From the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute .....

Perhaps the most important event on the Goan Catholic calendar this year is the 
Mass at the Oratorian church, Chiesa Nuova in Rome on Sept 23 to celebrate the 
founding of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Goa in 1685 by Blessed Joseph 
Vaz, Apostle of Kanara and Sri Lanka. It celebrates not only his extraordinary 
sacrifices for the Catholics of Sri Lanka and for the Catholic Church but those 
of his Goan Oratorians for almost 150 years under Dutch persecution. 

See Mass organized in Rome by the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute 

Cardinal Ranjith of Sri Lanka and three Archbishops, Archbishop Felipe Neri of 
Goa, Archbishop Henry D'Souza,(Emeritus) of Calcutta, and Archbishop Evarist 
Pinto (Emeritus) of Karachi have sent messages of support for our Intentions, 
especially for the canonization of Bl. Joseph Vaz during the Pope's visit to 
Sri Lanka (see http://www.josephnaikvaz.org/mass.html). Cardinal Tauran, head 
of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue is sending his 
representative to concelebrate with Rev. Mario Avilés, the Oratorian Procurator 

We thank all those who have helped send out our Invitation to friends and 
family to publicize Blessed Vaz’s work and canonization.  We also thank those 
who have sponsored Companion Masses worldwide in support of his cause for 
canonization. The Sept. 23 Mass will be the bright moment as Goan, 
Mangaloreans, and Sri Lankans eagerly wait for Pope Francis to announce that he 
will make their first Saint. 

Never in Goan or Sri Lankan church history has such an event been done 
worldwide. It is an unprecedented show of support, on an international scale, 
for a very special candidate for sainthood.

See companion masses worldwide 
http://josephnaikvaz.org/images/COMPANION%20MASSES.pdf   Be a part of history - 
please offer or organize a mass in your local parish to add to the Companion 
Masses on or around Sept 23 and email us to let us know at 

The clock is nearing high noon for a Goan and Mangalorean (Kanara) and Sri 
Lankan Saint. Blessed Vaz’s time has come. All eyes are on Rome and Pope 
Francis as an announcement of his canonization could come any time now.  

Thank you.

Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

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