On Wed, 9/17/14, Gabe Menezes wrote:
 COMMENT: I may be wrong Caveat emptor but I think if it is a no vote sterling 
will shoot up
 and if it is a yes vote the market has this priced in don't see much 
downside…. There's not much money
 to be made in FX these days, volatility has gone.
Gabe Menezes,
The easy money on the GBP has already been made. The last few weeks have been 
very good and the winners know they have to close their positions before the 

Those holding on to a GBP fx trade today are the hyper risk takers. Hyper risks 
= hyper losses/profits.

As for the Scots, I always thought that half of them were a little backward 
i.e. tribal or clannish. On Thursday they will prove who are the majority in 
their society.



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