On 24th March 2007, when England plays Italy in the
under 21 game of football, and later on 19th May 2007
when the finals of the Football Association Cup gets
underway at the 90,000 capacity New Wembley stadium in
England, constructed from scratch and now completed
after over a two year delay (it ought to have been
readied by June 2005 after the Old Stadium built in
1923 was knocked down to ground zero ) a few residents
from Brent ie in and around the New Wembley stadium 
would have already  recorded their firsts as honoured
guests and also some of them become privileged firsts
last Saturday 17th March, 2007 to test the settings
before these events which could now attract huge

One such individual was an young teenaged lass
Genevieve Fernandes of Goan parentage, born and
brought up in UK a resident of Brent who indeed earned
the distinction of being one of the lucky 50 young
youth between the age of 11 to 16 years selected by
draw of lots to take part in a short soccer coaching  
on  the near lush turf (an unique  feature of the Old
Wembley Stadium unrivalled by any other).  

When this writer spoke to Ms Genevieve 16 to learn of
her experience at this stadium she said she was
thrilled to learn that she was the only Goan who had
had this rare privilege and yeah -- she was awestruck
by the magnificent stadium and  also  felt overwhelmed
at this unique opportunity provided by the Management
of the New Wembley Stadium to give the first honours
to the residents of Brent, Middlesex. 

Genevieve, recollects that she  had also had an
earlier distinction of being the last Goan to be
trained on the ground in football over five years ago
when the stadium was finally declared closed for any
further events and the old Wilmbley was brought down.
Yes she recollects -- " I was much younger than and
the thought of the old stadium being brought down made
me feel remorse then -- not any longer" she said.

It now remains to be seen how the New Wembley measures
to the crowd expectations given the many setbacks in
its construction years.


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