GoaNet FYI

Hello TiE Members,

Another interesting event is taking place on October 14, 2014 for the TRSM Business Conference: "The Power of the Diaspora Networks".

As a nation of immigrants, Canada is fortunate to draw talents from all over the world. This unprecedented access to the various diasporas that now call Canada home is increasingly recognized as a vehicle for economic growth here at home and abroad.

The conference will highlight the importance of the Canadian diaspora networks in promoting trade and investment. It will bring together business, government and academic leaders from across Canada who are engaged in promoting economic development and prosperity - including Stockwell Day and Pierre Pettigrew. Presentations and discussions at the conference will focus on addressing a number of key issues that are central to the future of Canada including:

    The shift of economic growth to emerging economies
    The rise and influence of diaspora networks in Canada
    The role of diaspora networks in international trade

If you would like to attend this event and join the discussion on how to fully engage the numerous ethno-cultural diasporas in Canada. Please RSVP at:

If you have any additional questions about this event please contact Irene Campagna, Academic Administrative Coordinator in the Office of the Dean.(campa...@ryerson.ca).

Best Wishes
TiE Toronto

What: TRSM Business Conference: "The Power of the Diaspora Networks"
When: Tuesday October 14, 2014 8:15am - 4pm
Where: Ted Rogers School of Management
Cost: $25

The TRSM Commons 7th floor
Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 2K3

Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

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