To pursue this subject further, I did my own quick search on this topic of 
"References" in published works in our department library. I looked at texts 
written by authors in the UK, Canada, USA.  

Boyd's textbook, "Pathology for the Surgeon" edited by William Anderson from 
Toronto General, had NO references in the text (of the chapters).  At the end 
of the chapter was a list of "References for Further Study".

Textbook of Medicine titled "Current Medical Treatment" edited by C.W.H. Havard 
from the Royal Northern and Royal Free in London. It had NO references at all 
in the text NOR at the end of the chapters.

Textbook "Principles of Surgery" edited by Schwartz and others (USA) had NO 
references in the text; but had a list of "References" at the end of a chapter.

The series of "The Ciba Collection of Medical Illustration" had NO references.

Textbooks for POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS, scientific journal articles and doctoral 
dissertation papers had an ABUNDANT supply of references in the text.  The 
references (50-300) were listed at the end of the paper.  

Audio and Video discs presentations had no references.
Medical articles in lay-peoples' magazines and "throw-away" medical journals 
contained NO or ONLY a few references (for further reading). These "throw-away" 
medical journals usually have excellent 'Review Articles' with the latest data, 
treatment practices and information. 

IMHO Goanet posts on this LAY-PERSON bulletin board requesting "all references" 
are aimed to get the original author to do the work in its entirety. A few 
desire to over-burden and / or intimidate other people with really no interest 
in the subject matter. I have pointed this out before.  Some individuals 
(usually the same folks) make the request while providing no references to 
contradict the original statements or conclusions.

Clearly high school and undergraduate students should be encouraged to study, 
research and analyze as much published data they can get their hands on.  The 
more they study and read, the better informed and more confident they will be 
on the subject matter. And they should use the information without burdening 
themselves with the fear of or using the excuse of plagiarism.  

If one is merely engaged in "cut and paste" just because one is savvy at 
"net-surfing" (which we see on this bulletin board) one is short-changing 
themselves.  These individuals have done the rote-work (and appear 
intellectual), without even understanding the subtleties of the subject.  The 
beauty of research is the challenge to look more and more about less and less 
on the nuances of the topic.  So I hope young Goans are not intimidated from 
research, presentations and publications because of this discussion or the 
constraints that are listed.  I fully concur with the concerns expressed by 
Fred over, "others who spread FUD (fear, uncertainity and doubt) over issues 
like "intellectual property"."  Now is FUD a intellectual / literary property 
of Fred? And if yes, can it be proven? (serious questions). And please note I 
had to block my spell-check from correcting Fred's quote.

The technical and legal definition of 'Plagiarism' is complex, including motive 
and financial gain.  Sometimes plagiarism's definition sounds like the judge's 
definition of Pornography, "One cannot define it. But one knows it when one 
sees it.":=))  And along the same simile those who express the greatest moral 
outrage on the subject may .... just may .... just may ... be engaging in it, 
as we have seen in recent years among more than one moralist.
Regards, GL

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