Samir Umarye

Close on the heels of neighbouring Valpoi taking steps to streamline
its traffic woes, Bicholim has finally woken up to its growing traffic
chaos and local authorities have chalked out a proper traffic plan for
the town.
Bicholim has been facing traffic problems since the last several years
and locals have openly spoken out against the main issues plaguing
smooth traffic movement, including a lack of adequate parking spaces
and no proper signboards.
“It’s pathetic to see that Bicholim Municipal Council (BMC) is still
unable to come up with signboards at strategic locations and maintain
them. Cars are being parked on both sides of the road and during the
weekly Bazaar day, it becomes impossible to enter the market,”
complained Dhanashree Desai from Bordem.
“If every individual had to follow traffic rules, there would have
been no traffic or parking problems in any city. A Traffic Cell is
need of the hour and CCTV cameras should be installed so that
perpetrators can be penalised. If all this is followed, we will have
no traffic congestion in the city,” added Desai.
During the Bazaar day, most vehicles are parked in a haphazard manner
and a police constable along with home guard stationed in the market
find it virtually impossible to manage the area.
“People should not be allowed to take their vehicles inside the
market, while the open space at the old fish market could well be used
for parking,” said Mahesh Govekar. “The traffic police from Mapusa are
helpless, as there are no signboards that demarcates a particular area
as parking or no parking zone. Hence, police can’t penalise the
traffic violators.”
The demand for a Traffic Cell at Bicholim has been pending for over
two years and this has been one of the factors cited for a failure to
regulate traffic in Bicholim town.
“The BMC should have planned the new market complex in such a way that
ample space was reserved for parking. A new building is not given
approval till such time the builder shows proper parking space and
this should also be applicable to public buildings as well,” opined
Speaking to Herald, BMC Deputy Chairperson Riyaz Beig said they have
conducted several meetings with Deputy Collector Biju Naik.
“After an inspection, we have framed a traffic plan for the city. The
problem exists in the market as the roads are very narrow. We have
suggested one-way traffic so that there is no traffic congestion while
entering or leaving the market. We have also suggested some specific
parking places and local buses will not be allowed to enter the market
area,” informed Beig.
“The entire stretch from the Bicholim court to the new bus stand will
be reserved for parking of two-wheelers, which is presently allocated
to four-wheelers. This will surely clear traffic on this road,” said
“The new traffic arrangements will be made applicable on a trial basis
for a month and the plan will be strictly followed with the help of
the police. The plan will be submitted within the next 2-3 days and
with the deputy collector’s order, it will be strictly implemented in
the city,” added Beig.

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