Dear Cecil

Your goanet posting sounds like real progress to me, slow but sure.

In the very distant past, most of our Goykars married within the village itself 
and the most sought after matchmakers were those who went from house to house 
offering their services such as tailors or those who sold produce such as the 
milk, vegetable or pao man or woman and these matchmakers also provided an 
"unofficial" vetting service when it came to families.  In my family, both my 
parents come from Saligao.

Today, when our Goykar youngsters abroad marry outside the community, no one 
asks, which village do you come from?   In fact one lady said to me the other 
day of her English son-in-law, "you know Rose, he loves sorpotel", make of this 
what you will.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

7 October 2014

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