An extract from BOMOICAR: Stories of Bombay Goans, 1920-1980: pg 74: 
At school the honest-to-goodness Gerry (Dr.Gerry Rodricks) was appointed
guardian of Alfred Rose, 
nicknamed Goencho pao or Makapao, for his Konkani-accented English. The two
boys soon hit it off 
and Alfred found his fame as St.Xavier's singing idol for the ditty composed
by his father, AMB (Ambrose) Fernandes, 
who supplied condensed milk cans to ships. The song, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO
appears to have been inspired by AMB's debtors. As the lyrics go: 

Lots of people in this world, they seem to have a knack, 
They borrow money from you, but they never pay you back, 
So I want you all to cry, every time those money twisters pass you by, 
When are you going to pay me what you owe me? (2)

And the Konkani continuation of the song. 
A senior tiatrist who heard the song sent me Konkani  words
WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PAY M WHAT YOU OWE ME? ...Sang tum moje duddu kednam

Sabar munis duddu magchea velar khobro sangtat
Pun portun addun dinvchenant, tuje dusman zatat,
Rostean tankam poilear, bolteach vatten poutat,
Osleam munxank dekhtokuch sobemazar kantar korat

Sang tum moje duddu kednam ditai?
Aiz don vorsam zalim pollon bonvtai,
Ghara lagim ghelear, tum kuznantlean poutai
Bailek sannicho muddo gheun tum darar bostai

Post lifted from Alfred Rose Fan group:

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