Fines for waste disposal

Some writers get a brain wave for those disposing garbage by imposing
fines. Universally it is a known fact that fines are no solutions to this
issue.  Fines can be justified only when people litter in spite of a system
of collection being in place. Where will people living in the housing
colonies dispose of the garbage, considering that there is some arrangement
within the premises? Village residents may be able to tackle some garbage
disposal, but not city dwellers, where open space is a big constraint. The
roadsides , fields, water bodies become convenient places  of disposal .The
gigantic issue of collection and disposal needs to be tackled by the
authorities at state, panchayat and municipal level., which are not at all
serious, in spite of financial incentives . Residents can be held
accountable for separation of garbage at source and pay a fee for the
service. There is no consistent system of collection of garbage in
operation. People do not deliberately dump garbage with pleasure, but
resort to it does as there is no other alternative.  There is place for
everything, except for garbage treatment. Residents everywhere object to
garbage treatment and are up in arms against any move by the State It is
not the issue facing Goa, but all over the world there is a definite,
regular system of collection of segregated waste on site at a cost .Our
Govt legislators have travelled far and wide in search of illusive solution
to garbage .Treatment of garbage profitably is the answer a the world does.
State must take firm decision on this issue, especially when P.M is
proclaiming Swash Bharat as a priority. On many issues Govt. bypasses
public opinion, but only on garbage it appears its drags its feet and
throws up arms in utter helplessness

The citizens at best can co operate by paying the fees for such necessary
services,  though some may do it grudgingly for some time

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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