Dear Mr. Aires Rodrigues,


Greetings to you and pleasure reading your variable mails that I receive on
regular basis via Goa-net.

Your email on political conundrum miring the Goan politics scenario made an
interesting and avid reading.

You have aptly put across and absolutely right as per se the so called mess
the ex-CM Mr. Manohar Parrikar the IITian or could we call ‘The technocrat’
applied right technique with suitable angle to fulfill self desire to the
brim and not to the brink.  Now that he has been elevated to the High
Office with a commanding post that of a Defense Minister would all the more
reap a large moolah,  I am sure he must be quietly laughing all the way for
having pulled wool over many a sheep’s heads while he was in Goa cabinet

Now that Mr. Manohar Parrikar has vanished or vanquished his post to Mr.
Ramakant Parsekar the incumbent present CM to lead the flock; little is
known of his proven metal or his caliber and thus leaving out in cold Mr.
Francis D’ Souza, the rightful second in command for the Post of Chief
Minister after Mr. Manohar Parrikar; though many may have doubted his
credibility of running the show but never judge a book by its cover.  One
has to read it to know what lies in it.

Perhaps, if Mr. Francis D’ Souza had been given a chance, he may have shown
his caliber, honesty, sincerity and to do true justice to the aspirations
of people of Goa, in which event even God would have stand by him, if he
undertook to discharged his duties morally and principally in the right
direction; without fear or favour but serve the good cause and aspirations
of the people of Goa in Toto with due justice and transparency but now that
all seems vanished into the Blue and a long distant dream.   But who knows
what lies in still waters? Everything at the moment seems a conjecture and
is a reality a distant dream?

Once again keep up the spirit of joy de vivre; calling a spade a spade.
Sam Furtado

On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 5:53 AM, Aires Rodrigues <>

> As was expected the new Chief Minister of Goa is also from the RSS. It is
> no surprise that the BJP has humiliated Deputy Chief Minister Francis
> D’Souza which should act as an eye opener to the other altar boys. Francis
> D’Souza has however taken this in the right stride because politics today
> has unfortunately been reduced to a shabby game of compromises. The right
> decision however was to lay aside Rajendra Arlekar in view of the
> corruption charges pending against him in the disproportionate assets case.
> The BJP could have also seized the opportunity to axe the known corrupt
> Ministers in the cabinet who were however sadly sworn in again proving that
> the real mantra is infact Zero action against Corruption.
> Running the State is the prerogative of the Chief Minister and the cabinet.
> Manohar Parrikar should now not even attempt to be interfering in the
> functioning of the Goa Government. His statement that he would be visiting
> Goa twice a week is ridiculous. Goa has suffered enough under his two and a
> half year utter misrule and he should not further burden the exchequer by
> being a frequent flyer and attempt to high-handedly impose his writ on Goa.
> Instead of trying to further ruin Goa by remote control, Manohar Parrikar
> should be doing justice to his new assignment as Defence Minister of India
> in keeping a watchful eye on the Pakistan and China borders.
> Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar had promised Goans that he would remove
> those Casinos from the River Mandovi before he demits office in 2017. Now
> that Parrikar has swiftly fled are Goans stuck with that eyesore polluting
> our river?
> By all his U turns Manohar Parrikar as Chief Minister over the last two and
> a half years has transformed Goa into a gambling, prostitution and
> narcotics hub. His expertise in corruption would be his vital asset in the
> ensuing high stake Defence deals in store. In his new avatar what role he
> carves out for his inseparable comrade- in- arms the flamboyant Atmaram
> Nadkarni we shall soon know. Atmaram Nadkarni is already in Delhi to attend
> Manohar Parrikar’s swearing in ceremony.
> The sycophants around Manohar Parrikar should realize that Politics and
> Good governance is not about individuals but of having the right functional
> systems in place.  With Manohar Parrikar having vanquished from Goa it
> could only be Achhe Din for this State which has suffered immensely under
> an eccentric and erratic Chief Minister with egos ever so puffed.
> Nelson Mandela had said “A good head and a good heart are always a
> formidable combination”. Manohar Parrikar clearly lacked them both. Goa was
> taken for a jolly good ride by this dictatorial, autocratic and ruthless
> double faced so called IITian.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>                          Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

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