Broadway Book Centre, a leading and pioneering book store in Goa conducted
successfully Romi Konknni Course from 07 October to 06 November of 78
hours, at Broadway Book Centre, Panjim. Seven students participated in the
course. The focus in this course was to read Romi Konknni with
comprehension, basic vocabulary, basic grammar of Romi Konknni and
speaking. To achieve this goal, the students were engaged in various
language learning exercises, such as repetition drill, structural table
drill, match the following, fill in the blanks, pattern practice, grouping
the vocabulary according to gender and number, etc.

“A good teacher always takes the level of the students into consideration
and I could see that type of teacher in Fr. Pratap Naik,” said Comdt.
(retd) Baljit Singh, 58 who attended the Romi Konknni course and whose
mother tongue is Punjabi.

“The course has benefitted me a lot, as I wanted to learn correct Konknni.
Now I can speak, understand and even read Konknni. I have learnt good
number of new words in Konknni during the course,” said 83 years old Mr. J.
B. Adeodata de Souza from Siloim, who was born in Africa and spent 46 years
of his life there.

“Personally I feel that the course was very good and both the teachers were
good in teaching. I never came across a class of only 7 students having 2
teachers, where one is teaching and other one is carefully listening to the
students and I am really fortunate to be part of this class,” said Mrs.
Corinne Carvalho, 62 one of the participants of the course from Miramar.

Mr. Agnelo Braganza, 73 who travelled everyday all the way from Majorda to
Panjim to attend the course is very much impressed by the unique teaching
method during the course. “Teaching method is especially good for adults.
The structural drills and other exercises really give foundation to the
students for language learning,” said Mr. Braganza who spent his childhood
in Mumbai and later on worked on the ship thus losing touch with his mother

Dr. (Fr.) Pratap Naik, SJ, a well-known Konknni linguist, teacher and
researcher and who is the authority in Konknni language was the main
resource person, and he was assisted by Mr. Jose Salvador Fernandes, a post
graduate in Konknni, writer and teacher.

 At the end of the course, the students were presented certificates by Mr
Rama Harmalkar, representative of Broadway Book Centre. Due to unavoidable
circumstances only 4 students were present during certificate presentation

Thanking you,

*Khalil Ahmed* (9822488564)


1st Floor, Ashirwad Building,

18th June Road, Panaji GOA - 403001

Tel:. 0832-6647038


*PHOTO CAPTION: From L-R: Xri Jose Salvador Fernandes, Comdt. (nivrut)
Baljit Singh, Xri Agnelo Braganza, Xri J. B. Adeodata de Souza, Xri Antonio
Carvalho and Dr. (Pa.) Pratap Naik, SJ.*

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