Dear Friend,
In our present times we do not make much of royalty and we have discarded the 
trappings and structures of royalty in favour of democracy. Yet we admire 
people who are loyal and faithful to lawfully constituted authority. Today we 
are reminded that God is the ultimate authority and He commands our respect and 
loyalty not because he exercises power over us but because He constantly cares 
for us. We can show our loyalty to Him by respecting and caring for His people, 
our brothers and sisters. Have a renewing weekend, rededicating our lives to 
His Kingdom! –Fr. Jude
Sunday Reflections: 34th “Loyal and faithful subjects in Christ the King’s 
service!” 23-Nov-2014Ezek. 34: 11-17;                      1 Cor. 15: 20-28;    
                            Matt. 25: 31-46;
In the first reading, Ezekiel likens God to a shepherd, who tenderly looks 
after his sheep, He is always watching over them, and protects them especially 
when they are in danger. The readings of the day remind us both of God’s care 
and of God’s expectations of us His people, who belong to His flock. This 
shepherd does not control or force us to follow him yet at the same time if we 
are on His side then we must be like our shepherd, caring, and loving. We may 
give up on God but God never abandons us.
If only I knew it was you!Nelson Mandela was still a young man when he became 
leader of the banned African National Congress. At a certain stage of the 
struggle he was forced to go underground. He used many disguises and in general 
remained as unkempt as possible, so that he would not be easily recognized. 
Once he was to attend a meeting in a distant part of Johannesburg. A priest had 
arranged with friends of his to put him up for the night. However, when Mandela 
arrived at the house, the elderly woman who answered the doorbell took one look 
at him and exclaimed, “We don’t want your kind here!” And she shut the door in 
his face. Later when she found out who it was she had turned away she was 
horrified and said to him, “If only I knew it was you, I’d have given you the 
best room in the house.” Mandela did not let incidents like this deter him.Flor 
McCarthy in ‘New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies’
The Gospel puts before us the other side of the picture. While God is ever 
caring and watchful over us He wants us to listen to him, to heed his voice and 
follow his example. In any organization, if we want to belong to it then we 
have to live according to its practice, precepts and policies. We are told in 
no uncertain terms that the only criterion by which we will be judged is 
whether we have loved our brothers and sisters. The yard stick is something 
tangible: “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do unto me!” 
Have we cared for others, have we shown our love in action. What matters is not 
doing great things, spectacular deeds that will be noticed by others, but the 
small things often unnoticed that we do for those in need. We will be judged by 
what we have done as well as by what we have not done.  Sometimes we look at 
ourselves and say we are pretty good because we have not done anything bad. But 
have we done the good we could have done? Saying the kind word, lending a 
helping hand, finding time for others in spite of being busy, cheering up those 
who are depressed, visiting the friendless, writing or phoning those who are 
alone, appreciating the many good things that people do for us…. The list of 
small things can be endless! People ask: “Where can I find God? What should I 
do to find Him? The answer is simple: He is to be found in the poor, the weak, 
the needy, the helpless, and in those who take care of these people.
The beggar KingThere is an old Irish legend that tells of a king who had no 
children to succeed him on the throne. So he had his messengers post signs in 
every town and village of his kingdom inviting qualified young men to apply for 
an interview with the king. Two qualifications especially were stressed: The 
person must have a deep love for God and for his neighbour. The young man 
around whom the legend centres saw one of these signs. He believed he had the 
necessary qualifications and he felt an inner calling to apply for an 
interview. But the young man was so poor he did not have decent clothes to wear 
for the interview. He also had no money to buy provisions for the long journey 
to the king’s castle. He decided to beg for clothes and the provisions he 
needed. When everything was ready he set out. After a month’s travel, one day 
the man caught sight of the king’s castle. At about the same time he also 
caught sight of a poor old beggar sitting by the side of the road. The beggar 
held out his hands and pleaded for help. “I’m cold and hungry,” he said in a 
weak voice. “Could you give me something to eat and something to wear?” The 
young man was moved by the sight of the beggar. He stripped off his warm outer 
clothes and exchanged them for the old tattered coat of the beggar. He also 
gave the beggar most of the provisions he had been carrying in his backpack for 
the return journey. Then, somewhat uncertainly he walked on to the castle. The 
guards met him and took him to the visitors’ area. After a long wait he was led 
to the king. He bowed before the throne. When he straightened up, he could 
hardly believe his eyes. He said to the king, “You were the beggar besides the 
road. Why’d you do this to me?” “I had to find out,” said the king, “if you 
really did love God and neighbour”Mark Link in ‘Sunday Homilies’
Lord and KingOnce a soldier was taken before the Roman magistrate. His crime 
was that of being a Christian. The magistrate asked him, “Are you a Christian?” 
The Christian soldier replied, “Yes.” The magistrate enquired, “If so, are you 
the enemy of Caesar?” The Christian replied, “No.” “Then you must offer incense 
to the image of Caesar”, said the magistrate. The Christian replied boldly, “I 
refused to offer any incense to Caesar. God and God alone must be adored and 
worshipped. Jesus alone is my God and I love and worship Him alone.” The 
magistrate threatened saying. “If you refuse I will sever your head from your 
body.” The Christian boldly replied, “You may cut off my head from my shoulder, 
but you cannot separate my heart from my King and God – Jesus Christ.” The 
Christian was decapitated.John Rose in ‘John’s Sunday Homilies’
The King and IIn the famous 1956 film, ‘The King and I’ transposed into a 
musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein, the King of Siam entrusts his many children 
to the care of governess Anna. Christ the King and I, too, are involved in a 
love-story. Jesus entrusts his children into my care. How do I respond to the 
King and his little ones? “Here is your footstool and there rest your feet 
where live the poorest, the lowliest and the lost,” wrote Rabindranath Tagore 
in the Gitanjali. May I love The King in that beggar at my doorstep that I 
might be worthy of his kingdom.Francis Gonsalves in ‘Sunday Seeds for Daily 
Go right in…There was a queue of people outside the gates of heaven.  Each 
person was asked the question: ‘Why do you think you should be admitted?’ The 
first person in the queue, a very religious man, said, ‘I studied the Bible 
every day.’ ‘Very good,’ said the Lord. ‘However, we’ll have to carry out an 
investigation to see why you studied the Bible.  So please step aside for a 
moment.’ The second was a very pious woman who said, ‘Lord, I said my prayers 
every day without fail.’ ‘Very good,’ the Lord answered. ‘However, we’ll have 
to see if your motives were pure. So step aside for a moment.’ Then an 
innkeeper approached.  He just said, ‘Lord, on earth I wasn’t a very religious 
man, but my door was always open to the homeless, and I never refused food to 
anyone who was hungry.’ ‘Very good,’ said the Lord. ‘In your case no 
investigation is needed. Go right in.’Flor McCarthy in ‘New Sunday and Holy Day 
What are you?A young teacher with obvious liberal tendencies explains to her 
class of small children that she is an atheist; that she doesn’t believe in the 
existence of God. She asks her class if they are atheists too. Not really 
knowing what atheism is, but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands 
explode into the air like flash fireworks. There is however, one exception. A 
beautiful little girl named Lucy has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher 
asks her why she has decided to be different. “Because I am not an atheist.” 
Then, asks the teacher, “What are you?” “I’m a Christian.” The teacher is a 
little disturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks Lucy why she is a 
Christian. “Well I was brought up knowing and loving Jesus. My mom is a 
Christian, and my dad is a Christian, so I am a Christian.” The teacher is now 
angry. “That’s no reason,” she says loudly. “What if you mom was an idiot and 
your dad was an idiot. What would you be then?” Lucy paused and smiled and 
said, “Then I would be an atheist!”John Pichappilly in ‘The Table of the Word’
Christ the KingIn 1903, people of Silao in Mexico erected a 30 feet high statue 
of Christ the king. The statue looked at the city with love and expectation. 
The revolutionaries destroyed the statue. The people of Silao put the pieces 
and the bits together and rebuilt the statue again which brought peace, joy and 
happiness to the nation. Jesus came to build the Kingdom of God but his 
adversaries destroyed it. The disciples, the messengers of Christ are called to 
rebuild the Kingdom of God. The feast of Christ the King teaches us to serve 
Christ in our fellow creatures here and now with love and complete 
dedication.Elias Dias in ‘Divine Stories for families’
In all things may we be gentle and loving like Christ our Shepherd King!
 Fr. Jude Botelho botelhoj...@gmail.com
PS. The stories, incidents and anecdotes used in the reflections have been 
collected over the years from books as well as from sources over the net and 
from e-mails received. Every effort is made to acknowledge authors whenever 
possible. If you send in stories or illustrations I would be grateful if you 
could quote the source as well so that they can be acknowledged if used in 
these reflections. These reflections are also available on my Web site 
www.NetForLife.net Thank you.

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