> From: V M <vmin...@gmail.com>
> To: V M <vmin...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Goanet] From Parrikar to Portugal: Goan Politicians rise
>       (original       title)
> Message-ID:
>       <can1wpw7+lrq-oa8zjxtuocj4vbeuq5rgx4nshonx5n99n8v...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Parrikar-Vaz-Costa-Trailblazer-politicians-with-Goa-in-their-veins/articleshow/45153335.cms
Thank you for taking time to remind us that Goans rose up for human
causes. Your list for Kenya was notable and if you add sports, musicians
and professionals its even more significant. Selma has done a major job
for East African Goans ......but there is even more ...

However let me add to your list the Goan notables from Tanzania. Top on my
list would be the Attorney General of Zanzibar. Nationalist and did not
hesitate to tell off the President that forced marriage was wrong. My
friend Lobo can add to the list  Bandmasters, Musicians, Doctors including
the renowned Dr Albuquerque who controlled an outbreak of bubonic plague.

Very few in  Tanganyika remember Mrs Paes ... who was Member of the
interracial  Legislative Assembly her husband was the doctor of the
Dockworkers. Professionally, Architect Anthony Almeida, not only broke
through the European created    At an international When President Julius
Nyerere began to implement his policy of African Socialism several Goans
were given very responsible position: Ignatius Pereira (Banker) Amorito
Noronha in Trade. etc

The List  should be expanded to the USA, Canada, Timor .... Are there any
Goans on Planet Mars?

Adolfo Mascarenhas
Dar es Salaam

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