Sad to lean about Prof. Eusebio's death. Had met him for th 1988 Goan
International Conference in Toronto and talked to him for a long time.
Tried to talk to him about his brother Prof. Lucio Rodrigues, one of the
stalwarts of the Goan Union and an authority on Goan folklore, but somehow
didn't get much out of him. Something told me that he and Lucio had
"strained" relationship.
He and Prof. George Coelho, who expired few years ago, came from
Washington, DC, for the conference and were participants in the workshops
or some sessions. Prof. Coelho also came for the conference organized
thereafte and, with Prof. Wagle, edited a book.
In fact, some months ago I wrote to Leonard of Commonweal to get in touch
with him to check who has the copyright to Lucio's book, Of Soil and Soul,
for a reprint. Late on I found out about Laura's daughter Ivy who is in
Canada when Laura died in Bombay.
Recently, a lady wrote to me from Engtland saying she is daughter of
Laura's first husband and wanted me to provide her contact with Ivy just to
be in touch as they shared a common father. She send me a photo of her
father and just a couple of days ago while browsing through my hard disk, I
found the photo.
Now that Eusebio has passed away, I think Love and Samsara need to be
republished as a ebook or book-on-demand.
RiP,. Prof. Eusebio.

Eugene Correia

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