If you’re not British, Labour politician Emily Thornberry’s resignation for
posting a tweet of a house, some flags and a van may seem baffling. Here’s
why it happened.

Emily Thornberry’s resignation from the Labour shadow cabinet for posting
an image of a house in Rochester has provoked fury in Britain and
bafflement abroad. While political commentators in the UK were divided over
whether she should have resigned, they were fairly united in the belief
that Thornberry had committed an embarrassing and potentially devastating
faux pas.

At worst, she had shown her (and therefore Labour’s) contempt for the
patriotic working classes. According to the prime minister, David Cameron,
“effectively what this means is Ed Miliband’s Labour party sneers at people
who work hard, who are patriotic and who love their country. And I think
that’s completely appalling.”

All for tweeting this photo, with the caption: “image from #Rochester”.

So how would you explain to someone from outside Britain why Thornberry’s
position became untenable? Obviously there’s the timing, turning what
should have been a tricky day for the Conservatives – who were about to
lose another MP to the insurgent rightwing party Ukip – into one dominated
by questions of Labour snobbery. And it played perfectly into the narrative
of the main political parties being a bunch of out-of-touch metropolitan
elites. The tweet was particularly disastrous as Thornberry is MP for
Islington, an area of London long a byword for rich, bourgeois cultural and
political elitism.

But why? After all, Thornberry has a habit of taking pictures of buildings
and posting them on Twitter. The problem, as with so much of British
politics, was one of class. She had taken a picture of a working-class
home, covered in England flags: exactly the kind of home potentially
containing the kind of “white van man” voter that the Labour leadership is
accused of being out of touch with. And, some claimed, there was an air of
contempt in her choosing to tweet the image at all.This, despite Thornberry
herself being brought up in a council house.

Her case was not helped by her subsequent comments to Mail Online, who she
told: “I’ve never seen anything like it before. It had three huge flags
covering the whole house. I thought it was remarkable. I’ve never seen a
house completely covered in flags.”

The St George’s flag has a complicated history in England, and its
association with far-right politics, though fading, is still one that
resonates with some. And the idea that the flag is synonymous with
anti-immigration feeling – and that Thornberry’s tweet was drawing
attention to this – also explains why the MP got into such hot water on the
day an anti-immigration party was on course to win a byelection in the area.

“Amazing how many coded cultural messages are contained in some St George’s
flags and a white van,” said Kate Shea Baird, a political communications
adviser living in Barcelona. “It’s also common to see the flag of St George
(St George is also the patron saint of Catalonia), but here it is a benign
symbol, with none of the associations with racism or anti-immigration
sentiment it has in the UK, nor any assumed relationship with social class.

“Also, in Spain politicians often refuse to resign even when they are under
criminal investigation, so it’s easy to see why a resignation prompted by a
tweeted picture of a flag would be greeted with bafflement here.”


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