Nachom-ia-Kumpasar -- an honest review

Avinash Tavares
Posted to Goanet

Nachom-ia-Kumpasar is a treat for the senses. No film has
showcased the colours, sounds and beauty of Goa like this
movie.  You can't help but marvel at the movie making skills
of its creator, Bardroy.  His experience as an adfilm maker
screams in every scene and set of the movie which has been
designed with meticulous detail from scratch.

Nothing is out of place and every object in every scene is
authentic the era of the story.  Bardroy has gone the extra
mile with the songs which almost made me stand up and dance.
The lighting used in the film is flawless as it enhances the
emotions of the characters while maintaining the natural look
of the environment.

The story left scope for improvement. The comedy in the
beginning seemed forced when the story entered the tragic
phase.  It takes time to figure out whether the characters
are in Goa or Mumbai.  It's also hard to figure out how how
much time has passed in the story as the movie progresses.

One particular scene of suicide was confusing because the
audience couldn't tell whether it was real or a dream.  The
songs, however, are perfectly stitched into the movie, the
likes of which were seen last in the Abba inspired Mamma Mia!

Without the songs the movie wouldn't have had the glamour that
it did and the audience wouldn't have had the deep emotional
connection with the lead character, Dona.  The second half
onwards the pace slows down to a point where you would almost
wish that the movie's predictable end would come sooner, if
not for the brilliance of Palomi Ghosh.

Where the story lacks dept, this fairly unknow actress
performs on par with Reese Witherspoon and Witney Houston,
both of whom have performed similar rolls.  Her portrayal of
this role is a delight to watch as she takes the audiences
through a rollercoaster of emotions.  Her gestures,
movements, dialog delivery, her micro expressions, her looks
and her performance are all spot on and makes her character
believable and real.

I'll be surprised if she doesn't win an award for this role.

The actor who plays Lawrence, her love interest,
unfortunately falls far behind.  Vijay Mauryas acting is
mechanical.  There is absolutely no chemistry between the two
lead actors.  I couldn't see any reason why Dona would fall
in love with this character who barely speaks during the
first 45 minutes.

          Vijay's character limps on throughout the movie as
          Palomi steals the show.  John DSilva deliver every
          dialog with precision timing making the audience
          laugh and love him in the first half whereas in the
          second half, he effortlessly transforms into a
          villan and makes the audience hate him for ruining
          dona's career.  Prince Jacob performs his role like
          a legend that he is.

Three years ago when the movie makers came to my shop to make
copies of the script, I instinctively knew they were holding
something special, but I never expected the magnificant way
it would go on to be implemented.  At the end of the movie,
the audience were leaving in a hurry.  I was a little sad
because we couldn't give a standing ovation to the makers of
this masterpiece that will change the Goan film industry for
the better.

As I left the theater thinking about all the Goan filmmakers,
I hope that they don't see Bardroy as a competition or as
someone who has made their movies look less than worthy.  I
hope that they see him as an inspiration who has reinvented
the genre of movies that should be made by Goans for goans.
In the words of the my friend-we finally have a real Goan
movie (of international standards) .


          Caroline Colaco <> writes: "Was
          lucky to watch the first show of the movie in
          Margao and loved it.  Don't know how they are
          giving info to the Press but the Director is a
          friend of mine and I think he has done an awesome
          job of paying tributes to Goan music and musicians.
          As the folder distributed states: "It celebrates
          Goan music through the eyes of its eclectic
          generation of musicians in the 1960s and 70s.
          Nachom-ia Kumpasar is a nostalgic musical tale set
          in the times these musicians lived and died --
          unrecognized, unappreciated, And unsung." There is
          a second show at 7.00 pm today (December 5) at
          Marquinez Palace." [Sorry, just saw this after
          reaching home at 8.15 pm Goa time, and hence late
          in reposting!  --FN]


JoeGoaUk <> comments: Oh my God, the film
is too good.  Believe or not 'Makai Nachpacho ailo baru'.
It's 2hr 45min long musical film.  Chris Perry/Lorna's songs
beautifully set in the storyline.  It's their love story with
song and dance blended with Goan/Mumbai masala.  Lot of
revelations too.  You will know why there was a silence or
gap for 20 years.  The lead female role (Paulomi) did full
justice.  Perfect cinematography, good editing, sound etc.  I
give 4.5 Stars out of 5. To enjoy the film fully, please watch
it in the theatre.  Paisa vasool (Rs. 200)

Nachom-ia Kumpasar by Bardroy Barretto. With Prince Jacob,
John D'Silva, Vijay Maurya, Paulomi Ghosh, Com[edian] Natto,
Com Kenny, Samy Braganza, Roy Menezes, Abdonio, Selwyn
Braganza, Mathew Araujo, Meena Leitao, Meenacshi Martins etc

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