
From: <>

Dear friends across India,

In less than 24 hours, we have a meeting at the Environment Ministry to discuss 
saving the Western Ghats! Let's act now so that all our voices can be heard 
loud and clear inside that meeting.

The Ghats are home to beautiful bulbuls, bears, tigers and other unique species 
that live in it’s forests and ancient hills. Different state governments are 
pushing the Ministry to dilute protection plans but the Centre has final say -- 
and they’ve invited us to hear our views. Let’s tell them now that we
won’t allow the Ghats to be destroyed by mining and construction lobbies. Our 
pressure already got UNESCO writing to the government about protected World 
Heritage sites in the Ghats. Now let’s tell the Environment Ministry directly!

Tomorrow we’ll deliver your signatures straight to Ministry officials in charge 
of saving our Western Ghats along with a letter signed by leading 
environmentalists. Sign now:

Relentless large-scale commercial activities in the Western Ghats  are 
threatening not only the livelihoods of millions of people, but also causing 
widespread ecological devastation. An expert committee reviewed the status of 
the Ghats and presented a strong plan to restrict such exploitation to less 
than 35% of the Ghats. But state governments are unhappy and want to rip open 
Ghats even further, ignoring warnings on global warming. Attacking the Ghats 
has direct consequences to us citizens with increasing water scarcity.  

The new government says it is concerned about climate change, but it is yet to 
show this in practice. It has allowed irrigation projects without the requisite 
clearances, eroded democracy by taking away power from the National Board of 
Wildlife and from tribal councils to oppose big corporations, and acted to 
allow even more industry in critically polluted areas, among other measures. 

The ancient Western Ghats are one of eight global "hottest hotspots" of 
biological diversity and home to hundreds of threatened species. Only the 
strongest possible plan can work to protect the Ghats against destruction. Sign 
now to ensure that the Ministry hears our voices calling for the protection of 
our gorgeous Ghats.

The global Avaaz community recently participated in the biggest climate march 
of all time. We are mobilising to protect our planet and its resources and 
governments around the world are starting to listen. By saving the Western 
Ghats, not only are we securing nature and wildlife, but also the lives and 
livelihoods of millions of our fellow citizens. Let’s act today, before it’s 
too late.

In hope,

Alaphia, Shreya, Alex and the rest of the Avaaz team

More Information

New draft policy to save Western Ghats (Deccan Herald)

Western Ghats: Green Tribunal asks Ministry to clarify on fresh survey
(The Hindu)

Western Ghats, India (WWF) 

Paradise in danger (The Hindu)

Recommendations to save India’s Western Ghats creates political stir (Mongabay)

90% of coal-bearing forests could be mined, says Forest Survey of India 

Modi government has launched a silent war on the environment (Scroll)

World Heritage List (UNESCO) 

Climate change in Western Ghats to hit water supply (DNA) is a
40-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views 
and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means 
"voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the 
world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 
17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us 
on Facebook or Twitter.

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