On Dec 19, 2014, at 8:58 AM, Jerry Fernandes <jerryn...@gmail.com> wrote:

"Regarding the subject of overcharging patients, its become a common
norm that doctors charge nothing less than 200 - 300 in Goa with no
receipts. Even the follow up visit is charged, which should be free to
see the progress of the medicines prescribed. But who to complaint
these matters?

I had been in Mumbai for few days and happened to visit three doctors
there, and I was zapped beyond words, when the charges were Rs 50 and
less by all these three doctors. It made me wonder if I was really
with some doctors in Mumbai. This was all at Mira Road in Mumbai."


1:  Rs. 50 for a Doctor's office visit? ...Excellent!

2: How much for a Bhaji Puri at a half-clean eat house in Mumbai or Goa?


Let me accept, ab inicio, that there are rip-off artists in all walks
of life ...Medicine included.

But in general:

3: In some countries,  the local Medical Associations work out Fee
Schedules. The fees charged are based on the complexity of the
presenting problems and the time reasonably required to see the
patient and answer all the queries. The charges are according to CPT
(Procedure) codes. (There are regional variations because of the
relative costs of running practices eg A doctor's office in (say) New
York would be infinitely more expensive to run than one (say) in
Beeville, Texas.

Customarily, a new patient of moderate complexity will be coded and
billed as a 99203 while a review pt as a 99213.  Each of these visits
normally run about 20-30 minutes - so that a proper history and
examination is conducted, treatment written and discussed with the
patient, and any further queries answered.

4: I have NO clue as to what (rent etc) it costs to run a doctor's
office in Mumbai.....and How many patients that doctor has to see per
day.....just to cover the office expenses; accordingly, how much
quality time a doctor expends per patient.

5: Those who wish to seek 50 Rs consults in 2014 ....should avail of them.

6: In general, one gets the service one pays for.

PS: One method to avoid paying too many Doctor's bills is to follow
the following regimen:

(a) : Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and 'drugs' (b) Live a simple life ie
Avoid unnecessary stress and zhogdim (c) Avoid shady food stalls and
other eat places - especially roadside ones purporting to sell you
'Chai_neez' food. Cook and eat at home, as much as possible. (c) Avoid
too much meats and other fatty foods.(d) If you must ride a bike, use
a proper helmet.

(e) Insist that the public hospitals provide clean and decent health
care - Instead of wasting time at the political rallies of the
'amdars' while eating the provided biriyani and caju, agitate for
proper hospital care.

(f) Do NOT seek medical assistance for simple matters at Hospitals.
Hospitals esp their emergency rooms are particularly expensive; worse
still if you are seen after 10 pm or on holidays.

(g) Have regular preventive visits with your dentist and your GP and
please be compliant with your medications.

FINALLY: If you believe that you have been unfairly treated or ripped
off, complain to the Medical Council.Name the alleged no-good chaps.
If you do not get reasonable results within a reasonable time (+ a
reminder) Take the Council to court.

Merely venting one's fury in the newspaper will not change a thing.
The 'folks' know that Goans have attention-deficit. After a couple of
days of blowing steam on this matter, Goans will find another matter
to vent about. So, the con-artists will lay low for a few days and
then continue as before.


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