The high decibel campaign of BJP during general elections raised the
expectations and fueled the aspirations of the voters of all communities in
general. Their declarations on growth, employment, reforms  in economy
bringing back black money. They blamed UPA II for all the possible ills
that plagued the Nation immediately upon assuming power, though it is a
small period in Government .Mr Modi is making a mark at International level
, drawing crowds and having preferential  meetings with heads of country

But the preference at home is Hindutva,  propounded by various fringe
elements  of RSS and conmbine

The country is at war with religious conversation and other issues like
Gita being a national book, Sanskrit is a cultural language being revived
in most unholy way,.The Governance is taking a back seat. The BJP still
haunted by the ghost of UPA, though it is in power. Where are the reforms,
where is the employment policy of the youth The BJP denies that BJP is not
responsible for the actions of RSS and that it cannot be blamed for it. The
P.M who vexes eloquent at numerous elections meetings, but more silent than
the previous Manmohan Singh

The voters are getting disillusioned the way BJP is functioning and their
preferences for issues that create division, mistrust and fear amongst the

Nelson Lopes chinchinim

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