<If the state government completes the remaining formalitie sunder
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission(JNNURM), then the decks
would be cleared for the capital city Panaji to qualify for a substantial
central grant of Rs278 crores in the 11th five year plan period (
2007-12).Spread over just 812 hectares, Panaji is one of the smallest
capital city in India.  But it has high population and vehicular density
...The city is in urgent need of substantial investment for improved
drainage, sewerage, solid waste management, water supply,traffic and
transport regulation....At the time of the end of Portuguese rule in 1961,
the population of Panaji was about36,000.The 2001 Census placed it at
59,066. The CDP projects the population in 2030 to cross 100,000. Panaji
receives about a thousand international and five thousand domestic tourists
every day...CCP's income has grown marginally from Rs 7 crore (Rs 70million)
to just Rs 10 crore from 2001 to 2005. ..In the first year of CDP's
implementation the GSUDA may undertake works of Rs 64 crore (Rs 640
million). These would be based on specific sectoral project reports... HUDCO
has done an excellent job in preparing CDP for Panaji. However when the
JNNURM funds flow in, the corporators and citizens need to be vigilant, so
that Panaji gets quality infrastructure.>

The above are excerpts from the original post. Are there live wires in
goanet who can analyse the factual data to shed light on what's going on for
the benefit of others? To prime the pump, take the population growth from
1961 to 2001 and projected to 2030/1. The CAGR shifts from 1.25% to 1.7%.
This does not take the floating population  (currently 10% of Panjim's
population) into account. Is it in consonance with the population density
assumptions especially in a nationally comparative vein?

What is the position regarding the vehicle population and its growth
(historic and projected)? What are the implications of the sudden jump in
receipts from about Rs 10 crores in a year to the expected Rs 70 crores? How
much infrastrucure and how much leakage (and I am not just talking about
drinking water!)?

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