Bosco your responses posted on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 vide Goanet digest Vol
2, issue 282 about "corruption" are well received.

About Floriano Lobo I'm greatly impressed by the constitution of Goa
Suraj Party. We work together on many common issues. The only problem
is that they are not very active in south Goa though they attend to
any of our calls and we are not active in north Goa.  We are working
to finding amicable solutions to this.

As regards list of achievements of BJP and or Parikar, believe me no
congressmen will ever give this list to you. On the contrary they will
give "n" number of flaws to convince that it's not their achievements.
To me, achievements are achievements no matter who achieves this. In
this context allow me to say that "What BJP or Parikar achieved in 4 ½
years of their / his rule in Goa that congress did not achieve for
past 15 -20 years even for past 2 years after taking over from BJP.
They have still not learnt lessons from BJP while they are all busy in
their own corruption gimmicks.

Yes I agree congressmen are Doctorate holders in corruption and no one
can ever dream of coming close to them in this front. It is also
unfortunate that in Goa we don't have any true congressman till date.
What we have is mix-bread as you said. Today's congressmen only
pretend to be secular but actually practice communalism which is worst
than BJP. I wonder why Sonia is not taking harsh stand on our
politicians. She behaves as though she is not interested in Goan
politics – and one should agree to her philosophy also as Goa gives
just 2 + 1   MPs.

Regarding your last response, No Bosco I don't want to join BJP nor
extend support nor I'm interested in joining politics but as the
things stands today I am come to saying that "I hate BJP but today I
hate congress the most".

Dr. U. G. Barad
Margao - Goa

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