Controversies mar republic day celebrations

The west Bengal Govt is fuming over non inclusion of state tableau
highlighting women power. It could be that the same team was taken well
taken care of by number of such themes and it would be redundant, It is
only a conjecture but no definite answer t o that respect. The selection
committee in its wisdom, if not discrimination has left out  some non BJP
states in particular .Again that some states that were represented last
year could be omitted does not cut much ice , since their   inclusion this
year too. Some states depicting fishing, bird sanctuary, cultivation of
cardamom has no significance of cultural aspect at all. Can the National
selection team on tableaus portraying diverse culture and growth publicly
answer its objective criteria to set the matters right, when  TMC is crying
foul on discrimination and seeking to make political capital on exclusion
without valid justification? Does the committee convey reasons of non
inclusion to the states

The  Doordarshan  cameras were prominently focusing on Kiran Bedi, seated
in front row, the CM candidate of BJP, The argument that cameramen are not
directed, instructed on such matters is an eyewash.  It is well understood
that Govt being in power and controlling the ministry would wish it so. It
is blatant abuse of power to project Bedi and create an intended
controversy to benefit her candidature, showing retrospectively Arwind of
AAP in poor light in comparison. There is no protocol of inviting Ex CM of
Delhi or any other state and if they wish to attend they must seek an
invite. Kiran Bedi is invited as a special guest and as someone states, she
is an important person at the moment .When asked for comment, Bedi
 jockingly, mockingly and sarcastically asks Kejrival to join BJP to secure
an invite  It is a ridiculous statement of condescending mind. The argument
that last year on republic day Kejrival sat on dharna and threatened as the
then CM to disrupt the function, which threat was not carried out. He
cannot therefore be labeled as an anarchist, naxal revolutionist and anti
national and totally discredited. To hold this grudge against AAP, when UPA
was ruling at the centre is an unconvincing justification The fact of the
matter is that AAP leader has not requested or made  a grievance directly,
but was only responding to a pointed question on the invite The double
standard of BJP of inviting Bedi as an special guest seated in front rows
and cameras focusing on her is not accidental, unintentional as they would
like us to believe The servant knows what the expectations are of the
masters to curry favour and make it appear innocuous act.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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