Election to local bodies on party lines

Now that ordinance is to be promulgated for Zillla Parishad elections are
causing tremors in some parties. There should have been public debate
preceding such a sudden strong measure of legislation The ruling party is
trying to exploit and cash on their popularity. Nevertheless such a
proposal was in the air for quiet sometime now. It is no secret whether it
be Municpal, panchayat or zilla elections the main political parties were
directly or indirectly always supporting, canvassing or even providing
strong financial support to the proxies. Why are parties crying hoarse now?
Don’t we hear that certain panchayats , municipalities are having
allegiance to MLA`s, Ministers or  parties and they interfere and
destabilize local bodies uncomfortable to their cause  in carrying their
special, motivated agenda.?  Standing for elections as independents is an
option, when independents with party backing have been successful at
assembly elections turning the apple cart. After the elections the members
through political chicanery, inducements, threats are compelled to show
allegiance to powers that be? It may only cost more to contest and average
person may not find it easy with party entrants. The atmosphere at local
level will be vitiated by political poison, further introducing local
animosities, neighborhood wars due to party affiliations, As of now these
bodies are constantly shifting allegiance thus creating instability of
functioning at this micro level. With ordinance it will only confirm what
always existed in reality and on the ground, but none wants to admit it.
The control is intended to be further concentrated in the hands of
legislators. Even to- day most of these bodies are left rudderless by
constant interference making these bodies redundant or subservient to the
will of the legislators or parties in power. May be it will lead to
stability but at what costs?

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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