The turn of fortunes of Congress seem to have devastating impact by those
who are now unemployed and out of power. The opposition party in an attempt
to further maul,  decimate and, pulverise the Congress is pulling out all
the tricks in the trade. The lustre of earlier wins and unfulfilled
promises galore is denting the shine of party I power, as voters are
increasingly becoming suspicious of the way of functioning with ulterior
motives, communal agenda not lost on the disillusioned electorate

The defection mode is seen in Delhi poaching on Congress leader.The sudden
catapulting of Bedi to upset the apple cart of Arwind is another example in
this direction .Close  and important Congress leaders, functionaries  are
taken to task for praising P.M Modi , when in fact he is receiving
accolades from world leaders of many Nations. The Jayanti Natarajan episode
is spilling beans into public domain, which were so far only a conjecture
of speculations. Why she has spilled the beans at this juncture being in
power for, enjoying largesse of Congress for almost 4 decades and after
waiting for almost a year demitting office is not convincing.  Politicians
of all shades are selfish being discretely motivated by personal gains .She
is  willing to expose thread bear with proofs  of the involvement of
Congress leaders, if she is pushed to the brink and corner thereby
reserving her fire power. Why the ruling party at the centre is not
announcing investigations against her, when she is more than willing to co
operate to exonerate her pride and integrity. The interference of outsiders
directing  Ministers to subtly take favourable decisions is a serious
breach of oath of office to preserve the secrecy and constitution. It is a
 known fact that pressures are brought on Ministers to  consider the
interests of their followers in an indirect manner without leaving any
trail or trace .Jayanti Tax is a favourite phrase by P.M Modi and that she
was shacked and denied any position in the Congress party or even audience
by the boss is an indication of seriousness  even if charges are legally
not sustainable to withstand the scrutiny of the courts

One can appreciate her nursing wounded feelings and waiting to express her
bitterness. But the timing is appearing to hurt deliberately the prospects
of Congress either at someone else`s behest

The chorus against Rahul and Sonia is only expected to be shriller by the
day inspite of vociferous denials and damming accusations by the stalwarts
in the Congress party. It is the least protest that Congress expected at
the time of Delhi elections

Nelson Lopes. Chinchinim

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