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Awaiting a playground

TNN | Feb 4,2015, 02.00 AM IST

IsidoreDomnick Mendes

Situated in Bardez taluka, Ucassaim is a villagethat lacks a proper playground 
facility for its children and youth. The villageis surrounded by Nachinola in 
the east, Moira in the north and Socorro in thesouth. The River Mandovi also 
criss-crosses through the village.

Ucassaim also has apopular place known as 'Vagbiu', which is a cave atop the 
hill. From this cave,flows a stream, and it also has a narrow tunnel that leads 
to the church inPomburpa. With a population of 4,000 persons, of which, 3,500 
have votingrights, Ucassaim has seven wards and 8 vaddos including Paliem 1, 
Paliem 2,Dhumpem, Punola, Igreja vaddo, St Anthony vaddo , Bela Flor and Pelo 

The villagecurrently has one playground which belongs to the Ucassaim Sports 
Club, but,the ground's terrain is barren and rough.

"Ucassaimvillage lacks the most basic necessity of a modern playground. It is 
really sadthat though our village thrives with budding talent in the sports 
field, it isdevoid of a proper playground. Presently, two young girls, Zeena 
Soares andMaheshwari Haldankar, are making the village proud in hockey at the 
juniornational level," states Stella D'Sa, a retired higher secondary 
schoolteacher, and a resident of Dhumpem.

Locals complainthat the Ucassaim Sports Club ground is mostly used by villagers 
from Moira orVaddem-Socorro.

"Currently,mostly locals from other villages come and play on the existing 
groundbelonging to Ucassaim Sports Club. Young boys and girls of the village 
arecraving for a modern ground and the development of the Ucassaim Sport 
Clubground will go a long way to fulfill their dream. The modernized ground 
shouldbe given to locals of the village as a first preference," says Cosme J 
AMartins, ex-sarpanch (2000-2006), and a resident of St Anthony vaddo.

The dearth of aplayground facility has led the villagers to play on a small 
ground carved outof a field belonging to the St Elizabeth's Church, which was 
built in Ucassaimin 1628.

"Apart fromUcassaim Sports Club's ground, the only place in our village is a 
small,underdeveloped ground converted from the field belonging to the village 
parishchurch. In no way, can this small playground substitute for a 
properplayground. The need for reconstruction and renovation of Ucassaim 
SportsClub's ground is felt by the residents of the village," says 
ShyamChandrakant Sinai Gaitonde of Igreja vaddo.

The Ucassaimpanchayat is aware of this demand by the villagers. "The issue has 
beendiscussed in the gram sabha and the message is crystal clear. The 
UcassaimSports Club ground has to be developed into a modern playground which 
will haveall the basic amenities. The funds for this basic project for the 
village couldcome from the state government or provisions have to be made to 
get the worksanctioned from the north Goa MP's fund," says Shubanand 
VinayakMandrekar, sarpanch of Ucassaim -Paliem-Punola panchayat.

Aldona MLA GlennSousa Ticlo said he was ignorant about the demand. "No one from 
thevillage panchayat has brought the playground issue to my notice. There has 
beenno communication from the local body sent to me on the demand for 
upgradationof the ground. I am not even aware about whom the plaground belongs 
to, whetherit is the comunidade or a private party," said Ticlo.

"If thevillagers desire a proper playground, then the file from the panchayat 
shouldhave come to me for necessary action. Whether, it is to seek assistance 
fromthe state government or support from the MP's fund," he added.

On the other hand,the sarpanch, Mandrekar, states that the MLA has been kept in 
the loop with allthe demands and concerns of the villagers including the need 
to develop theplayground. "It has been more than two years that the MLA has 
been keptwell-informed about developing the Ucassaim Sport Club's ground into a 
modernplayground. The MLA met us, panchayat members, during his visit to 
Ucassaimtwice; on October 17, 2012, and October 21, 2014; and on both 
occasions, thevillagers demand for upgradation of the playground was conveyed 
to him. Theplayground issue has been discussed threadbare with Ticlo," said 


No community hall

Ucassaim lacks acommunity hall which could host social occasions celebrated by 
villagers."Though there is a private hall at Punola junction, the villagers 
desirefor a community hall which would take care of special social occasions 
likebirthdays, anniversaries, weddings etc," says Shyam Chandrakant 
SinaiGaitonde of Igreja vaddo.

Unrepaired bunds

Punola has around6km of bunds, but, most of them lie in a decrepit state. "The 
saline waterspreads into the agriculture fields on which 45 cultivators grow 
crops aroundthe year. These crops include paddy in the monsoon i.e., sorod and 
olgando;while beans and vegetables are grown in the dry season," says Cosme J 

Dim streetlights

Illumination in thenight on the main road and internal roads is very poor. "The 
villagershope that, at least, the electricity department will take notice of 
darknessenveloping the streets and internal roads," says sarpanch 



Ucassaim hasproduced some famous children. The late Arnold Saldanha, then 
advisor to thedepartment of western music at Kala Academy and former dean and 
senior-mostteacher of music at the Kenya Conservatoire of Music, Nairobi, 
hailed from thevillage. Late J T De Souza, who was the co-pilot of the 
ill-fated Bombay-NewYork Air India 707 crash at Mont Blanc in France, which 
killed all the 117passengers including then chairman of the Indian Atomic 
Energy Commission DrHomi Jehangir Bhabha, was also a son of the village. De 
Souza's ancestral houseis used, today, as an old age home run by Poor Sisters 
of Our Lady. Notedcancer surgeon, late Dr Ernest Joachim Joseph Borges of Tata 
Memorial Hospital,Mumbai; gynecologist Dr Arcanjo Menezes, and retired senior 
police officer,Alex Rasquinha, are all from this village.



The issue has beendiscussed in the gram sabha. The Ucassaim Sports Club ground 
has to bedeveloped into a modern playground which will have all the basic 
amenities. TheMLA is aware of this demand
- Shubanand Vinayak Mandrekar, sarpanch

No one from the village panchayat has broughtthe playground issue to my notice. 
If the villagers desire a proper playground,then the file from the panchayat 
should have come to me for necessary action

- Glenn Sousa Ticlo, MLA


Ucassaim village lacks the most basic necessityof a modern playground. It is 
really sad that though our village thrives withbudding talent in the sports 
field, it is devoid of a proper playground

- Stella D'Sa,resident

Apart from Ucassaim Sports Club's ground, theonly place in our village is a 
small, underdeveloped ground converted from thefield belonging to the village 
parish church

- Shyam ChandrakantSinai Gaitonde, resident

Young boys and girls of the village are cravingfor a modern ground and the 
development of the Ucassaim Sport Club ground willgo a long way to fulfill 
their dream

- Cosme J AMartins, resident

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