

Today is ASH WEDNESDAY.......Sharing this letter I received


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 Free Way of the Cross CD & Booklet        Dear friend, 
            Today is Ash Wednesday. 
            I hope you will be able to get to church to receive your ashes.  It 
is a special day for us Catholics. It is a day we get to proclaim our Faith in 
a very distinctive way.
            Some years ago I had something happen to me and I thought today 
would be the perfect day to share it with you. 
            I have a friend who is a priest and he once told me a fascinating 
story...about his conversion. 
            We had just arrived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to attend an opera. 
A few blocks away from the concert hall in downtown Pittsburgh, we passed by a 
McDonalds. It was not your usual stand-alone McDonalds but one of those built 
in between two other stores. A small place.
            As we drove by, my friend, pointing to the McDonalds, commented, 
“That is where I converted.” It was the last thing I expected him to say at 
that moment, so I asked him what he meant. I had no idea. 
            He went on to tell me a story I will never forget. Although he had 
been brought up Catholic, he had not been practicing for many years and was 
living a life far away from God and Religion. 
            It was Ash Wednesday and he was in that same McDonald eating a 
juicy hamburger. When all of a sudden, he looked out the window and right in 
front of his eyes he saw an entire family pass by with ashes on their 
            This sight hit him like a Mac truck. In the flash of the moment, he 
realized he had abandoned his Faith and was leading a life of sin. It was in 
fact a moment of grace.
            Anyway, to make a long story short, this event triggered his 
conversion. Not only did he return to his Faith, but he also entered the 
seminary and became a priest. Simply amazing!
            Today, he is a shining example to his parish and a real pastor of 
            The family that paraded in front of that McDonalds will probably 
never know what happened, nor will you or I have any idea of the effect we may 
have on others by proudly displaying our ashes tomorrow. 
            So I hope and pray you will be able to make it tomorrow to receive 
the ashes and hear the comforting words of the Church.  
            To help you prepare for tomorrow, I put together a short but very 
interesting article on Why Ashes? I also want to offer you a Free Way of the 
Cross CD and Booklet to help you prepare for Holy Week. This offer also 
includes the Our Lady of Sorrows prayer card.
             Click here and order your Free Way of the Cross CD and Booklet. 
            This Way of the Cross was written by a truly Catholic gentleman by 
the name of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, a great Catholic Leader and an amazing 
writer, a man of tremendous spiritual insight. 
            The CD with accompanying booklet will serve as a deep spiritual 
            Be assured of my prayers, and as we enter into the season of Lent, 
please join me in prayer for our Catholic Church and all that is good upon this 
earth which is under constant attack. And as Our Lady of Fatima requested, pray 
especially for the conversion of sinners. 
            Begin this lent with the Ashes and end with the Way of the Cross. 
Not only will you be blessed, but you may bless someone!
             Order your Free Way of the Cross CD and Booklet today!
       In Jesus and Mary,
       Robert E. Ritchie
 America Needs Fatima
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