It was early morning. Ermelin shouted to her Son (Merguliao):-

Ermelin: Merguliao?

Ermelin: Yes Mom.

Merguliao: I want you to tell me the truth.

Merguliao: Okay Mom, I won’t lie you.

Ermelin: Now tell me, where were you whole night?

Merguliao: I was in Disco-Club.

Ermelin: Oh my God! I hope you didn't see anything there which you should not 

Merguliao: Mom, I promised you that I don’t want to lie...

Ermelin: So tell me.

Merguliao: I have seen something that I should not see there!

Ermelin: What did you see?

Merguliao: (Uttered softly) I saw Dad!!!

Ermelin: What?? (in anger) That means your Dad lied me that he has the night 
shift in the factory??? Wait…. Let him come home, I'll teach him how to dance 

Cajetan de Sanvordem


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