I am glad that great minds in contemporary architecture and town planning are 
coming together to discuss how Panjim can be changed into a world class city.  
In my humble thinking, the Mandovipresents a great opportunity to develop 
unique urban entertainment spaces, on either side of theriver.  I have seen how 
a derelict abandoned and rat infested old harbor area of the City of Baltimore, 
in the USA, replete with trash dumps and homeless people was changed into a 
magnet for city dwellers called "Harbor Place" where folks take a stroll, shop 
and eat at the finest restaurants.,
  All development does not need Govt. financing.  Thinking " out of the box" 
and involving NGOs and corporates in developing  such a space will attract both 
local and foreign tourists .   Planning must be comprehensive and forward 
thinking and include additional traffic lanes that provide seamless entry and 
parking structures to accommodate future growth  I envision space being created 
by creating an embankment over the Mandovi..Imagine an urban promenade on the 
banks of the Mandovi  Funding should come from the Private sector while 
planning must involve the city fathers of Panjim.  Politicians should not set 
road blocks in order to get bribes   The entire project could be funded with 
private equity bonds, with a revenue stream generated by the businesses that 
will occupy the area.  There are sure to be tax revenuesfor the city from the 
additional business that is generated.

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