
Cardinal Cleemis rushes to meet violated nunA 71-year old nun in the convent of 
Jesus and Mary was gang raped after alleged robbers broke into her residence 
Friday night.Posted on March 18, 2015, 8:40 AM  Cardinal Baselios CleemisNew 
Delhi: Cardinal Baselios Cleemis, president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference 
of India, is rushing to Kolkata today to meet the nuns of the convent that was 
attacked last Friday night.

The cardinal along with Archbishop Thomas D'Souza of Kolkata and local 
officials will meet the sisters in the convent at Ranaghat, some 80 kilometers 
from Kolkata, said Father Joseph Chinnayan, deputy secretary general of the 

A 71-year old nun in the convent Jesus and Mary was raped after alleged robbers 
broke into her residence Friday night. The gang of six men also ransacked the 
offices of the school and convent and took away money in an apparent robbery 

The elderly nun was injured in the violation and is now recapturing in a 

"We want to express the solidarity of the Church in India with the sister who 
was violated in this inhuman and dastardly act," Father Chinnayan said.

The senior priest who will accompany the cardinal to Kolkata said the meeting 
with nuns and local officials will help find the facts more accurately.

Police said Monday that 10 men have been detained for questioning but no 
arrests have been made, even though the faces of four of the robbers were 
captured in the CCTV.

Cardinal Cleemis in an earlier statement said the physical violence inflicted 
on the nuns, including the rape, were "ruthless inhuman acts of which all 
Indian citizens should be ashamed of."


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