
Palm Sunday...!
Saturday, March 28, 2015
By Robert Clements

        This Sunday is Palm Sunday; when many years ago, men and women lined 
the streets of Jerusalem, waving palm leaves and shouting ‘hosanna’, as 
Jesus rode in on a donkey. It was a week before he would be crucified on
 the cross; a week before he would stare down at the people around the 
cross, and maybe think, “Wasn’t that man waving a palm leaf gladly at 
me, last week?” or, “Wasn’t that the man I healed from leprosy?”


        I wonder how in one week, a mob that shouted in ecstasy as he entered 
Jerusalem, stood silent as he was humiliated by the priests, wounded by 
the soldiers and finally killed?


        How could hundreds who had received his healing touch, now turn silent?


        Isn’t that a thought many of us have?


        “I spent my whole life looking after my children, and now look at the 
way they speak to me!”


        “I stood by my husband through his difficult days, now he leaves me for 
another woman?”


        How could such happen we wonder.


        It’s so good, isn’t it, when the palm leaves are waved at us! We love 
being acknowledged! We love awards that sit on our mantelpieces, telling
 all how appreciated we are.


        “Hosanna!” our friends shout.


        “He’s the greatest!” our children scream.


        “What a provider!” whispers the wife looking at us adoringly.


        And then the crucifixion. The wounds. The killing.


        “How could the same ones, who appreciated, acknowledged and accepted me 
now hold knives?”


        I look at the cross, what does that dying man feel?


        There is no look of anger as he looks at the people.


        There is no feeling of revenge as his gaze wanders to the blind man he 
made see!


        He looks upward: Heavenward, where his father reigns.


        He did not do it for the lame, the blind or the one with leprosy; he 
did not heal for their appreciation.


        He did everything for God.


        And as you my friend hear those hosannas, as you get those trophies, as
 people on podiums make appreciative speeches about your achievements, 
you need to lift your eyes away and say, “It is not for the praises of 
man, that I do what I am doing, it is not for earthly rewards I walk the
 extra mile; it is for the One who placed me here on earth, and whatever
 happens later from the same hands I helped, does not matter at all..!


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