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Dear Albert,

  The word 'catholic' means 'universal'. Since the Roman Catholic Church 
spread all over the world, the term 'catholic' got associated with it. The 
Coptic church, the Greek Orthodox church or even the Protestant groups did 
not have universal appeal...or reach...in the Christian world.

  To what extent a catholic is Christian is as debatable as to what extent a 
hindu knows..or follows...his religion or way of life. Reading of the Bible 
..or for that matter, its translation into commonly used languages...was 
forbidden among catholics for centuries. Thank God now the Bible is 
accessible to catholics, even in Roman script Konkani and commonly used 
dialect, although the Catholic Chuch in Goa has so far held on tight to 
Antruzi Konkani in Devanagri script for its schools. One needs to read the 
word of God to know the full import of the very first sentence of the gospel 
[Good News] of St. John.

  No point trying to tell Mr. Vaz about Catholicism. He is unlikely to 
change his views. Perhaps, Good Friday and Easter will make a difference.

  Mog asundi.


  Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 03:34:52 +0000
From: Albert Desouza;

Dear Mr Vaz
I do not know who becomes a catholic, but I definetly know who becomes
a christian. One does not have to go to a church only to become a
christian. Anyone who is Christ any one who holds the hands of Jesus and 
walks with him becomes a Christian.

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