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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 09:01:43 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Postings of Anthony M. Barreto &
Jose Colaco

>>During election year/time whoever writes truth is
>>misunderstood or misinterpreted. If one writes on
>>misdeeds about congress.............

When you singularly target one you are obviously
making a case for the other.

>>Just because of this philosophy should people 
>>stop writing.

That question is too childish. Each one of us has a
right to our opinion as long as we are willing to
concede the same to others. Even if you choose to play
an advocate extolling the virtues of the BJP that's
your choice.  

>>I feel he has still not read my posting addressed
>>to Mr. Bosco "I hate BJP but today I hate congress
>>the most". 

I know why you hate the Congress. You have said a lot
on that. Good. Please tell us why you hate the BJP.
You have never said a word about that.    
Who are the others you hate?   

>>In all my postings to GoaNet, I have exposed 
>>and written against congress 

Dr Barad you have never 'exposed' the Congress.
Exposing is connected to hard evidence. You have only
commented on the Congress. And as often as they come
comments are highly subjective. 
>>Goa has seen 5 plus different chief ministers from
>>congress party. All have miserably failed. 

>From Bandokar to the present breed all the chief
ministers Goa has had have failed. While Bandodkar and
his cronies tried to sell Goa to Maharashtra, CM Rane
and his son have been selling Goa for their personal
greed with great impunity.  
>>In your posting towards the end you say "Rane's
>>fiefdom should certainly end. Goans need to vote
>>sensibly?" Does this statement mean that "the state
>>of Goa today is because Rane is the chief minister
>>of Goa?" 

The present situation of Goa is not ONLY because Rane
is the CM. There are seasoned politicians. They are
seasoned in the art of corruption. Parrikar and the
BJP  MLAs are not paragons of virtue. We have seen
their true worth. All these rogues need to be sent to
the oblivion of electoral politics. For that Goans
need to vote sensibly. It's simple English Dr Barad.
Come on.
>>Anthony, don't forget the past history of Goa. All
>>they brought in was increasing corruption rate in
>>Goa and in the past two years the corruption is at
>>its all time high'' Going by the trends of congress
>>rule in Goa, 
We also saw big time corruption in the BJP too. 

>>I feel, we need not give these congress yet another
>>five year term. 

Congress or BJP let's send all the seasoned
politicians packing. As Goa Su-raj puts it no second
term. That is why we need to vote sensibly. I know
even in theory you won't accept that because "the BJP
has given us VERY GOOD governance, good work culture
and ALL ROUND development." 

>>"BJP during their maiden opportunity to 
>>ruleGoa for 4 years brought in communalism but
>>equally brought in all round developments in Goa,
>>gave very good governance and equally brought in 
>>good working culture in all government departments.
>>Their failure was their Hindutva

If development is at the cost of communalism Dr Barad
please spare us development, peace is more important.
Unless you don't mind seeing a Gujarat in Goa. Or a
Babri at Old Goa.

>>Having tasted the fruits of congress governance for
>>15 plus years.....

Now Dr Barad wants us to give the fiery BJP a chance.
We have already had the appetisers. The main course
could be deadly. Are Goans ready to go for it. 

>>Lastly I think we all know the correct answers to
>>all such questions and much beyond but we are all
>>afraid to answer / voice in public and even
>>practice the same!

Please tell me the correct answers to all 'such
questions' you claim to know.  

>>Regarding Jose Colaco's posting. Let me confess,
>>his questions as usual are too high for me to
>>answer more over sometimes my answers are somewhat
>>harsh and or too offensive at time. 

Too high. Looks like Dr Colaco questions floored you.
Well I thought you are a qualified man. What do you
mean too high to answer? 
Even sometimes, why do you have to be harsh and
>>Floriano Lobo, Bernado Colaco will certainly do
>>justice in answering Jose's questions. 
>>Lambert Mascarenhas and Chandrakant Keni will
>>definitely not hesitate to answer Jose. 

There may be a thousand people who could answer Dr
Colaco's questions effectively. But they are for you
to answer. If you can't Dr Barad please say no

Best Regards 

Tony Martin

  Anthony M Barreto aka Tony Martin 
  Freelance Writer and Author 
Galgibaga, Canacona, Goa -- 403728
M: 9422390701 R: 91-0832-2632012

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