                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Since past two years "apolitical" forces / organizations are seen emerging
up almost every month which was not witnessed earlier to this! Secondly
either their names have a prefix or suffix "Save Goa" if not their one point
agenda is only to "Save Goa". One really wonders why at all these forces
should emerge in Goa? Save Goa from whom? And why should it take place only
during these two years?  I think no Goan is thinking on these lines! The
reasons for this phenomenon to start brewing are not so complex and very
easy to understand!! Answer to first question is "these forces are emerging
in Goa only because our Goa is totally in a state of disturbance from all
directions"; Second answer is "Save Goa from non other than corrupt congress
leaders"; Third answer is "these forces are emerging for past two years only
because our ruling congress leaders have turned so corrupt in these two
years that they are about to sale Goa to highest bidder".  

On 4th April 2007 a new outfit by name Jagrut Goa has started with retired
IAS officer in Arvind Bhatikar as its convener. This organization has highly
qualified, experienced personalities like J. C. Almeida, P. G. Kakodkar has
its members. The organization has identified Babush Monserat, Vishwajeet
Rane, Dayanand Narvenkar, Pandurang Madkaikar, and Mavin Godhino as one of
the worst corrupt congress persons and has appealed to congress high command
not to issue congress tickets to these persons. They have even warned the
congress high command that if they still issue tickets to these persons
Jagrup Goa will work against congress party in up coming election. 

Today every Goan wants to save Goa! What is worst is, though we are
convinced that Goan congress leaders are rapping our mother land Goa we
still show sympathy to our congress leaders! Not only this we even float
unwanted unjustified theories only to push the blame on other parties -
although we know fully well that the full onus of what's happing in Goa
today is due to the misdeeds of our congress leaders! Why we are doing this
we still don't know!! 

Dr. U. G. Barad
Margao - Goa

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