
The Catholic Association of Goa condemns the statements made by the Dhavalikars 
and reported in the Times of India dated 6 & 7 April, 2015.
To say the least, Lata Dhavalikar has joined the bandwagon of the likes of 
Mohan Bhagwat Giriraj Singh ---, who have now found a platform and the licence 
to publicly voice their rabid and fanatic views. Has she done her homework ? If 
we go by what she says, all women in the west should be victims of rape. How 
unfair to Indian men to suggest that they get titillated by tight fitting, 
scantily dressed and bikini clad women! Was Nirbhaya immodestly dressed?! Was 
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71 year old nun scantily clad? Take our own little Angel from the Vasco School 
- (not convent) Was she raped because she was in a western outfit? Is a school 
uniform western? Lata should be advised to do her homework before making such 
outrageous and senseless statements.
Thankfully all thinking people of all faiths don’t subscribe to her right wing 
fringe element thinking. Our rich Indian culture is all embracing and 
inclusive. She has done the greatest injustice to Indian culture by limiting it 
to “tilak and kumkum”.
Convent schools over the years have kept their doors open to peoples of all 
faiths. These Institutions by their selfless service have given the country 
some of its greatest statesmen, administrators, professionals – men and women 
of character and caliber. Her clarion call to desist from sending children to 
convent schools will fall on deaf ears, save for those few who subscribe to her 
extremist doctrine. Pity the children of these misguided adults.
Evidence shows that it is those people who cry hoarse about convent and western 
education, who send their children to these very institutions of proven repute. 
If everything Western is taboo then why this exodus of children to western 
universities? No double standards please! Convent schools don’t have a hidden 
agenda and are completely transparent.
Referring to her deterrence against conversion of Hindus, may we remind her of 
our Constitution that is based on the non-negotiable human rights principle of 
freedom to practice and propagate one’s faith. If there is coercion she may 
please raise her voice.
We congratulate Shri Vijai Sardesai, the Fatorda MLA, for his bold, upright and 
objective stand. Let the Catholic BJP MLAs take a leaf from his book. Lata, her 
husband and their ilk better know that they cannot get away with their false 

Inez Cotta Carvalho
Catholic Association of Goa

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