The sadhu (Digambara) walked nude/in the nude, and ome who are fast losing
their moorings, saw that as a being in nakedness/ being naked!? Amche attan
sarke zalet "zealots". Zoloit zoloit zale zzz...

Venantius J Pinto
On Apr 17, 2015 7:53 AM, "Joao Barros-Pereira" <>

> Mindsets!
> We Goans need to be immensely grateful to the Dhavlikar family for their
> superb entertainment, and all free.
> Sudin's sister-in-law maintains convent schools have a negative effect on
> children and so Hindu parents should stop sending their children to these
> schools. What fun! Will they?
> Anyway, how did Lata Dhavlikar reach this profound conclusion? She also
> claims western culture is the cause of rapes in India. As we live in a
> democracy she should be given an opportunity to defend her theory and we
> should not criticize her without hearing her explanation. So, media people
> please ask her.
> Sudin Dhavilkar has a different opinion. He claims convent schools are
> good. As we all know, a galaxy of eminent people from all walks of life
> have been educated in convent schools. Sudin has got his facts right, his
> sister-in-law has not.
> My beef with Sudin is his comment on the Sadhu who walked naked in Margao.
> He says he is against it because we are in the twenty-first century. Is it
> technology we are discussing or mindsets?
> Sadhus have been walking naked all over India and particularly along the
> holy Ganga river for millennium as they still do today. The minister's
> comments against our age-old  tradition reveals a damaged mindset.
> Prior to the invasion of the Muslims our Hindu mindset was liberal and
> pure. The Muslims brought with them a repressed mindset and this was
> followed by a Victorian and Christian set of values which is full of guilt
> regarding our bodies, and unfortunately is a part of our cultural values
> today; Hindus, Christians, Muslims et al are imbued with the same mindset.
> As always, there are exceptions.
> Tell me, did the West or Islam give the world the Kama Sutra? And, our
> ancient erotic sculptures? We should be proud of our age-old traditions.
> The sadhu can walk proudly down the streets of Margao along with Digambar
> by his side because he is pure of heart. I applaud an ex-CM of Goa for
> walking the talk! It is possible only for men and women who are pure of
> heart.
> Any child, of course, can do so - until he or she loses purity of heart and
> becomes impure.
> Tailpiece: No, it is not necessary for every Indian to walk down the street
> naked as it would completely destroy the garment industry leaving millions
> without jobs. I'm against it.
> What we need to remember is this: only men and women who are innocent are
> able to do so!

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