The recent rash of illiberal incidents that has erupted in Mumbai threatens to 
further tarnish this already beleaguered city. Once India’s pride, “urbs prima 
in Indis”, the city struggles today with a host of issues — from choked roads, 
growing slums and environmental pollution to a development plan that has 
excluded more than half of its historic sites. But despite this, the 
professionalism of the city, its “can do” spirit, its laissez faire mantra, its 
ability to take a cuff on the shoulder with resilience and a sense of humour 
has prevailed and usually won the day. It is this spirit that is under threat 
today from the attack on former sheriff of Mumbai Nana Chudasama’s office, the 
vitriol spewed at Shobhaa De’s innocuous remarks and the attacks on the Dr Bhau 
Daji Lad Museum for hosting a fashion show. Mumbai’s long-standing tradition of 
openness and tolerance is fast eroding.I have known Chudasama for the longest 
time. He represents the best of what defined Mumbai as intelligent, inclusive, 
decent and caring. He is known for his acerbic humour, and his political 
witticisms on a banner outside his office, like the Amul butter and Air India 
maharaja ads, were among the few welcome markers of public culture in the city. 
His dinner parties always had a sprinkling of the city’s patriarchs, editors, 
businessmen and NGO workers. He was president of the “I love Mumbai Society” 
and every year, he hosted a plant-a-tree campaign, among a host of other 
initiatives. His daughter is one of the well-known faces of the BJP in Mumbai. 
My first thought when I read about the attack was, “Dear God, if this can 
happen to him, are any of us safe in this city?”It is instructive to look at 
Mumbai’s civic culture and its development to understand how fast this liberal 
cultural space is eroding and how important it is to arrest this if we are to 
fulfil the promise of a globally resurgent India — because Mumbai, in many 
ways, represents our modern and international face and no amount of Prime 
Minister Narendra Modi’s vigorous campaigning for “Make in India” or his 
promise to ensure that contracts will not be abrogated will attract investments 
if we continue down this path of violence, intimidation and 
intolerance.RELATEDSena Greets North Indians With A Ticket And A Poster‘Zero 
Tolerance For Street Crime, People-Friendly Force Priorities’The City Of 
ExperimentMuch of the city was built in the 19th and early 20th centuries by 
merchants who understood that, to prosper, they needed to live in peaceful 
co-existence. Early accounts of the city’s marketplaces describe colourful 
scenes of people of all hues and in a variety of native dresses mingling in 
easy familiarity. Of course, there were differences, but these were respected 
and understood, and often communities participated in each other’s festivities. 
A little known fact is that Mumbai’s patron diety, Mumbai Devi, takes on the 
dress and accoutrements of different communities — Gujarati, Tamil etc — on 
different festival days. Hindus visit dargahs and Muslims celebrate Lord 
Ganesha’s annual arrival in the city.It is precisely this cosmopolitan spirit 
that has made Mumbai an international financial centre. The spirit of 
professionalism and tolerance gives it stability and an edge over other more 
parochial cities. But the politics of divisiveness and violence has already 
visited terrible retribution on the city. Mumbai has an active civic culture of 
debate and dissent that has enabled it to withstand poor governance and 
political ineptitude, but violence and intimidation are of a different order 
and they threaten to completely denude the already shrinking space for 
democratic processes. Educated young people in the city eschew political 
engagement precisely for this reason and one sees more and more that lumpen 
elements are capturing this space.We ban books and movies on the flimsiest of 
reasons, storm art exhibitions and denounce anyone who does not share our point 
of view. We spread poison about those who are different from us. Is this what 
the new India is about? We pay empty lip service to the ideals that our freedom 
fighters fought for. And every political party and leader claims Gandhiji’s 
great mantle. But few understand the gravity of his conception of nonviolence. 
For him, violence was not just physical but had mental and intellectual 
dimensions as well. For Gandhiji, if you truly believed in nonviolence then you 
would not see the other through an alienating lens of hostility, contempt or 
hatred. You would try to bring them around to your point of view by example. Is 
there any leader today who comes close to this lofty view of coexistence.Mumbai 
is the face of a globally contemporary India and we send a poor message to all 
those, both in India and in the international community, who wish to engage 
with us when we trivialise and abuse our time-honoured traditions. I have 
received messages of horror and disbelief, from across the world and India, 
about what is happening in Mumbai. The city has become the preserve of vested 
interests that are holding it to ransom. We need strong governance and respect 
for the law if we are not to completely lose the great city our forefathers 
bequeathed us. We need to encourage debate and allow for all shades of opinion 
if they are expressed in a constitutionally compatible manner. Mumbai has 
always provided India with its creative edge, whether it is Bollywood or 
business, and the city must continue to value creative expression in all forms 
— whether on a banner, in a tweet or in a fashion show — if it is to remain 
“urbs prima in Indis”.The writer is vice chairman, Intach, and managing trustee 
and honorary director, Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum, 
Mumbai.editpage@expressindia.comFirst Published on: April 20, 201512:00 am


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