How long do the souls continue to languish in purgatory?
For many more years do we have to offer masses or the souls of our dear
ones and others in purgatory ? Do we believe that they will languish
indefinitely in this state? We believe that many souls go to purgatory, but
much more enjoy the presence of God. Few faithful offer perpetual masses at
different congregations, especially, those that are skeptic about being
forgotten by their progeny and those that have no immediate family to
remember them. The Church by traditions accepts masses for the souls of the
dead on the day of burial, seven days, month , year, second and third year,
After that period there is no preference offered by the church in accepting
such prayers, and the second intentions no remuneration is accepted By the
way at all daily masses and after very decade of Rosary, the dead are
regularly remembered, Besides on all souls day in particular the souls in
purgatory are being remembered and prayed for Is it correct position that
when we offer masses in specific names ? n some Churches names of dead
souls are not announced at all before the beginning of Eucharistic
celebrations. Is not b advisable that the sacrifice of the mass is offered
to the souls in purgatory in general? If every time when we participate in
the Holy Eucharist can we not offer for such intention? The rosary and
other structured and spontaneous prayers, sacrifices et can be not be
offered for such intentions? Can we not offer regular charity to the needy
and deserving with the same intentions? Do the souls in purgatory appear
and request for hundred of masses for their deliverance? The mass stipend
as we understand is only for the maintenance of the priest and no value can
be attached to it
I wish some can explain the length of time after the death the masses are
to be offered in general .Is it guilt and fear of retribution that makes
relatives resort to this practice out of guilt complex ? Many are of the
firm belief that unless we pay the stipend it is not valid sacrifice .There
are instances, when these paid mass offerings are not said for many years
for one reason or other Can we not have faith in the merciful Lord to be
just and fair. In applying all the prayers to cleanse the souls in
purgatory How the doubts of duration in purgatory and the quantum of
prayers will be just enough not to be guilty of not doing enough
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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