In India during the last 50 years due to problems related to religious
discrimination persecution threats attacks intimidation it was not possible
for Christians to acquire new land to build new Churches, Graveyards, etc
neither it was possible for Christians to protect vacant church properties
from being encroached by slumlords, buildersmafia, right wing hindu groups, the most Christians could do was renovate the old churches that
were built when the British & Portuguese were around..........Whereas...The
Hindu community have not only renovated old Hindu temples but also acquired
land and built Hundreds of new Hindu temples across India, USA, Canada, UK,
Europe, Australia, NewZealand, Africa, Russia..................If the
Christian Clergy reduce the duration of Sunday Mass to a maximum of 20
minutes and distribute a wafer thin Eucharistic bread made from a mixture
of rice/wheat flour, wine & mineral water will result in more Christians
attending the Sunday mass.............In Western countries the political
leaders, state administration, christian religious leaders & majority
christian community are highly secular, liberal, plural, tolerant this
explains why minorities including the Hindu community have lived peacefully
& prospered & progressed in Western countries.

In 1887, ignorant & drunken catholic villagers of bombay (  ) and the rest of the salsette island
adopted the designation EastIndians after some bandra residents spread
rumours among them that by identifying with the name EastIndians would make
it easier for them to get jobs in the protestant British owned East India
company........even after the east india company fled India....the next
generation of catholic villagers foolishly continued with the designation
EastIndians...............Whereas......the Catholic villagers of
bombay/salsette were pre-occupied with alcoholicm infighting jealousy
gossiping.....the migrants from Maharashta Gujarat Rajasthan North India
South India through hardwork were pre-occupied with accumulating land jobs
wealth housing and various other resources all over the bombay/salsette
region........ofcourse the Maratha dominated Maharashtra state machinery,
collectors office, city survey offices, BMC, Shiv Sena, etc ensured the
catholic villagers of bombay/salsette remained second class citizens.

The money which Christians in Maharashtra are saving due to the Beef Ban
should be used for drinking cow/buffalo milk & milk products.

Governments GOOD GOVERNANCE policy should also include strict enforcement
of Two child policy all over India, increasing legal marriageable age from
18/21 yrs to 25 yrs, passing draconian laws against corruption communal
forces female foeticide/infanticide etc, breaking the
builder-politician-babu nexus, reducing price of milk vegetables poultry
foodgrains cereals onions potatos sugar rickshawfares busfares gas
electricity diesel petrol lpg cng etc by minimum 25 percent, taking
stringent action against those who encroach vacant lands to build shanties
& slums & other illegal constructions, giving voting rights only for those
who live legally & who pay municipal taxes, improving infrastructure
industries job opportunities electricity water supply in rural & backward
districts of India, giving more powers & protection to RTI Social citizen
environmental civic activists, re-writing land acquisition and all other
laws acts rules bills in consultation with villagepanchayats gramsabhas
tribal-farmer-fisherfolk activists, ensuring all religious groups get quota
in government jobs, educating people on rain water harvesting & solar
power, providing insurance pensions medical facilities for all citizens.

Jorge Monteiro


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